Saturday 21 May 2016

Paper... Snow...A ghost...

You've guessed it, it's Joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S!!!! 

Besides movies, I love TV shows, especially F.R.I.E.N.D.S, it's an old tv show, yes, but one of the best ones out there! 
I've watched every single episode more than four times. It's a great way to escape reality, and it's an amazing, life lesson show! You learn how to grow up, learn about jobs, romance, depression, babies, families, friends... And a lot of heartbreaks! It got me through so many desperate times, it's always a good way to go if you want to laugh!

Here are 10 life lessons from F.R.I.E.N.D.S:

1. Good friends are priceless! 
Look at all six of them, always helping one another, and being there for each other...
2. Always eat the rest of the cheesecake!
Cheesecake is delicious, so don't try and finish it later, you'll regret it! 
3.Always think before you speak!
This one must be the most common life lesson out there, but I learned that lesson from FRIENDS. 

4.Dance like no one is looking!!! 
Don't ever let any judgments bother you from doing anything you want. Look at Ross and Monica, it was, let's be honest, embarrassing. 
5. When you go have a fake tan, don't bother counting MISSISSIPPI seconds!
Unless you want to go from paper white to dark chocolate, go ahead, feel free to count Mississippi seconds! It will be a good laugh to others for sure! 
6. Enjoy the little things in life.
Just because it's tiny, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy and be happy about it. Look at Joey and Chandler with their comfy chairs... 
7. Always stay young!
We all grow up at some point, but do we have to give up the bubble wrap? Come on, it's fun... :)

8. Breakups are hard and painful!
The pain is real and Rachel shows us exactly how it is... Just plain painful.
9. Never cheat!
Not even on a break! Like honestly? Really? Ross made a mistake and look what happened! Just because you are on a break doesn't mean you can go and play around. Be true to the one you love or else you can say goodbye to them! 
10. Last lesson for this post at least... Communicate! Please talk to one another! You might end up learning a lot from                                                         each other, and it fixes problems.

F.R.I.E.N.D.S had been on the air from 1994 to 2004, and even though I used to watch it in French, I've always loved it! This show helped me with my English, helped me throughout breakups, helped me understand how people may act, it such a great show to know what real life is like, that you just want to watch every episode multiple times! 
And the best part is the song! " I'll be there for you..." Santa Cleopatra... It gets stuck in your head but hey at least it's not that stupid potato flew around my room song...

If you don't like the show, don't bother being my friend, it won't work! I don't need extra negativity in my life... I'm sorry. 

"Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it!" - Monica Geller, F.R.I.E.N.D.S


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