Wednesday 18 May 2016

Is that one fake?

I never liked talking about types of people, but this one actually really gets me...

Types of friends!

First, let's take the definition of the dictionary...
" A person who you like and enjoy being with, a person who helps or supports someone or something (such as a cause or charity)"
I'm not disagreeing with the dictionary's definition, but I've got my own!
A friend is someone you can count on if you are in trouble, a person that has your back no matter what, who doesn't judge you, or talk behind your back!

Now I've realized throughout the years that friends come and goes. There're multiple types of friends as well... Good ones and bad ones...
Here are 8 types of friends I've seen throughout my life (I'm still young, but it doesn't mean much)

1.That friend who always happen to take photos of EVERYTHING!
Let's be honest we all have that one friend that takes everything on pictures or videos just to post it on social media. Those ones... They get on my nerves!

2. The party animal friend...
This is one of those friends that only wants to party, don't get me wrong, we should all have that one friend. But if you want to be serious, give up now, it's not that friend you want if you want to have a serious conversation.

3.The "I'm lost" friend!
I've had to deal with one in Vegas, last year, while at a conference. We were at a big hotel in Last Vegas, looking for the exit. We only had to retrieve our steps, not hard, but for yes, it was a nightmare! She was getting lost, if I wasn't there, she would have gotten stuck in the bloody hotel.

4.The never shut up friend!
I'm not complaining about you talking, but there's always that one person who never happens to know when to stop talking! You cannot place one single word into a conversation, that person does all the talking!

5.The phone call friend
I'm not much a talker, so when that one friend keeps calling you, but never text, Santa Cleopatra, let's have mercy! They are the most annoying people! A text can save a lot of time!

6.The one that always eat but never seem to get any fat on...
I'm far from jealous of you (I don't get fat easily),  but please don't brag about it, not everyone is like you. Have some compassion!

7. The friend that only talks to you whenever they need something!
Alright, this is one of those people that are friends with you because you have some interest that may be good for them! They only want you close to them so they can take advantage of you. I'm far from being a fan of those people! Please back off if you are one of those people! We don't need that negativity in our lives.

And finally 8... That one friend who always have those stupid jokes!
I don't mind jokes, but I take a lot of it seriously and personally. I cannot take a joke and laugh it, I don't know, maybe it's just me, I've got a different humour than Americans so it might be the "why". Then again, some people just take it to the next level...

There's obviously a lot more type of friends, but these are the ones I encountered a lot more! Trust me when I say that you cannot believe how many friends are actually fake. The only way you might figure out who is nice and who isn't is for you to be in huge trouble. Then you'll see who's there for you!

"The language of friendship is not words but meanings." - Henry David Thoreau


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