Monday 23 May 2016

Wait a minute...

Patience... What a word!

Patience is the ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay...
To be less dictionary specific, being patience is a quality that not everyone has! I would know a lot about! 

It never is easy being patient, especially under certain circumstances, but the happy news is that it's a virtue that you can work on! Isn't' it exciting? 

Before I talk about me here's some tips to help you get this virtue on and that helped me a lot become less impatient! 

Little one -  Take a deep breath or two, it will never hurt anyone to take a few seconds to breathe deeply! 
Little two- Write down everything that comes into your head. If you don't like writing, just videotape you or record yourself!  
Little three-  Let go of the problem, if you cannot be patient, just let go, it's that easy! 
Little four- Listen to your surroundings and to yourself. That little voice in your head telling you to take it slow, listen to it! 
Little five- If you are a perfectionist, just stop, it will get you nowhere! Things cannot be perfect, no one can be perfect, just learn to manage your emotions, and everything will be alright at the end. 

To talk about my experience of being an impatient person I'll just share with you the time when I had to learn how to be patient. 
To begin, if you don't know me, I have what you call anxiety, an overload of stress that rushes throughout your body causing, sometimes, panic attacks. Not to make up an excuse for me being impatient, it didn't help at all. I couldn't see the big picture, always looking for the tiniest issue possible, making me impatient. When I started looking after my mother's friend's boys, I had to learn how to be patient, quickly, as you may already know kids themselves are impatient.  So, after learning how to listen to them, closely, and trying to explain a lot more why they would be in trouble, I've learned that it doesn't just happen with kids, you also have to give all your intention to people in general. It takes a lot of time to accomplish the listen skill part, but when you have it, oh, life is more beautiful! You can actually take a deep breath, look at the big picture, listen to your surroundings, and as Californians knows best "Take it easy". 

Being patient is a virtue that not many people can actually get as I've said before it's not easy! For instance, in love, you need a great deal of patience, if you don't have it, you can say goodbye to the relationship. I'm still learning, I haven't fully got the chance to be the most patient person that is passed a certain age. See I can be very patient when it comes kids from the age of birth to 10 years old.  Now, I just have to be patient with some adults in some situations. I still learn every day, and I can tell you one thing is that it is the hardest thing you can accomplish, but when it's done, you'll be proud! 
"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."- Aristotle 


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