Friday 13 May 2016

What happened to my earphones?

Let's be honest we all lose our things, once in a while, or for some people it's all the time... We cannot lie, it is a real pain!

A week ago, my dear mother decided to help me out with the movements of furniture in my bedroom. I'm far from being strong and the help was clearly needed. I had left my earphones next to the closet, safe and sound. Next thing I know, they disappear.

This happened a few times before with magazines or just a pen or even a water bottle. But my earphones, I need them every day, so losing them isn't a fun time. A real life nightmare.
After looking around the room, nothing came up, and surely my mother, all nicely, tried to explain that she might have moved them but didn't know where she may have put them... Can't scream at her... Sadly! Two days ago, I discover them under a pile of shirts... Don't ask why they were under a bunch of shirts, I don't have any comments on the subject all I know is that they are with me, and it's all that matters...
I'm not one to lose my stuff, and if I do it's because someone managed to misplace my things! Short tempered when it comes to misplaced objects or important papers that belong to me... You can surely relate to the situation!

People don't understand messy people! When I was younger, I had the messiest room in the entire house! Don't bother trying to understand, it's a lost cause! I knew where everything was, and if somehow I managed to clean my bedroom, everything would magically disappear... I grew up from that stage, I'm less messy, a lot more organized and even though my bedroom may seem like a battle scene, just overlook the disaster of my lazy moments and move on!

I've got 5 tips if you are interested...

1. Labels!

Although this may sound very childish, labels save lots of time! Don't waste your time opening cabinets or drawers.

2. Make your bed each morning!

I know this one is annoying, and if you are not a morning person (like me), you will have a hard time, but trust me it's worth it. Your room may actually end up looking a lot neater than before.

3. Use a calendar!

This is to help you keep up a cleaning schedule, for example,
every Monday dust the room...

4. Surround yourself with organized people!

It's for your own good! Seeing how others organize themselves may help you understand how to do it yourself, and it may motivate you to have a clean house... Make it a competition on who's house looks spotless.

5. Final tip, accept the fact that you'll never be perfectly neat!

Acceptance gets you further than you may expect. Nothing is perfect, even the cleanest person will have something dirty around the house.

At the end of the day if you lose your things, don't get freaked out, you will eventually find them!

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."- Mark Twain


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