Wednesday 25 May 2016

Knowing a little more about me...

I thought I would write 10 facts about me. Don't worry, I won't be writing about my hopeless romantic side again, I think you've got the point in an earlier post.
Knowing people can be quite complex as some would prefer to keep everything to themselves while some others may be open books, which means you know them without really having a conversation.
Getting to know someone isn't just hearing or seeing what they say or do, it's about knowing how to talk to them, learn how they may react in a situation...

In my case, this post is just ten facts about me that may be interesting to know. No promises, though. I'm very ordinary.

1.  I have been living in the past.
I don't live in the present or the future, I always look back at my past, wondering tons of questions, making me wonder if I had made the right choice. It's rather annoying to be living in the past because you cannot be happy, well at least I can't. People that are living in the past hold on to memories, good and bad ones. In my case, it's not a fear of the present or the future, or having a case of nostalgia! It's only because I'm familiar with my past. Take it, however, you feel like... 

2. One of my biggest phobias is abandonment.

Not the type where my parents leave me on the side of the road, but leaving me as in emotionally. To be less complicated, let me give you an example... In a breakup, I cannot deal with it, I break down, become empty, sad, depressed because it's like a version of abandonment. I'm afraid to be alone, and everyone leaving me. I know where the phobia comes from so at least it's good news, maybe one day it'll be better.

3. Each month I receive a Rolling Stone magazine.

I never subscribed to any girly magazines like whatever girls usually read. I'm into music and stories, not fashion and makeup. This magazine saved me a lot when I was traveling back and forth to Europe! No, I don't subscribe online, I feel like the touch of the paper is a lot more interesting than looking at a screen, I think I have enough of that all day.

4. Despite my love for art in general, reading and writing, I love to play video games.

Actually, last time I was at my friend's house, I finished playing The Walking Dead. This game isn't new, but the ending got me really frustrated! I couldn't deal with the fact that all my choices were bad! Like really bad! Obviously, the ending had to be sad! I think I actually played for four hours straight...

5. I may not eat a lot, and I don't eat every meal, but trust me I love food!

I think everyone loves food in general, but I've been hearing that I don't eat enough. Sadly, my stomach isn't big, I can only hold so much. No worries, I do eat, and can actually eat a lot if I really want to. Especially if it's Italian cuisine, then... You can say goodbye to me sharing my food! I'll be just like Joey Tribbiani from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I don't share my food!

6. I'm neither an introvert nor an extrovert, I'm in between!

I can be really shy, and prefer to stay in my room, alone without no one to bother me. Sometimes I'm the complete opposite! I'm more an outgoing person, who loves to be around people, drink, and party, enjoying myself. I tend to stay in my bubble away from new things because I'm scared. Then sometimes I come out of my comfort zone...
A little note of advice: Don't be afraid to be who you are, be an introvert or extrovert or both... Be sure that everyone is either one of those three!

7. I have a bad case of anxiety!

I might write a whole post about the case... So I won't go into much, details, but I can tell you that it is keeping me from living a perfectly normal life. It keeps me from doing things I should be doing. It's a part of me that controls a part of my life.

8. I tend to take responsibilities for other's mistakes.

I apologize and see when I'm wrong. I have no problems stating I was wrong if I am indeed wrong. It might be hard to get it out of me, but you will get a meaningful apology. If something goes the opposite direction, and something bad happens, I will take the fall and take full on responsibility for everyone. Not a quality! I'm not entirely sure why I always take the blame for people, maybe I'm just too nice... If you have an idea please comment below, I would love some insight! 

9. I pick up on accents rather quickly.

I have to write a post about this as well... It's hilarious to some people like my friend Ryan and well, Tyler as well, think I sound like Hermione Granger from Harry Potter! If you are reading this,Ryan, thank you, now I got it stuck in my head and I try my best to keep the British accent under surveillance.  It's bugging me to not have a French accent anymore.

10. I don't throw anything away and if I do,  I've got reasons to support it. 

I'm the type of person that keeps everything close to me, like a box of souvenirs but a larger one. For example, I still have a friend's shirt. I haven't talked to him in a long time, but I'm keeping his shirt. Or random papers... I've moved houses quite often, and each time I was the one with the big mess. 

There you go, a few little facts about little me. I'm nothing special, just a writer who happens to be herself. No surprises... I wouldn't say I'm an open book, but I'm not going to fake a personality to please anyone. 

" Finding oneself was a misnomer; a self is not found but made." - Jacques Barzun


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