Monday 16 May 2016

Why spending euros when you can spend dollars?

As a European living in California, I have been dealing with the change of products, medications, food...

After a while, you may think I adapted to the American ways, the products, the food, and the rest, but let's be honest, I haven't completely dealt with the changes.
Food wise, I manage well, but with deodorants or medications... Not so much! Yes, I still buy my products from France, not everything, but deodorants for sure, I'm not going to ever get used to the ones in California. The medicinal part, I have been setting myself to the fact that I should stop trying to get everything from my country. It's a waste of money and time because it's costly to make the product fly over the ocean. I think that everyone who was raised around certain medications will obviously know what's good to take in certain situations, while when you come in a new country, you can't know for sure that the medication will work just like the one you have known all your life. 

I'm not entirely sure why foreigners are so determined to keep their little things up like we know you love your cereal but we have the same here as well...

I'm not complaining, but when you are used to a particular taste, it can be complex to change and get used to another one. The biggest one I had to deal with was the milk, Santa Cleopatra, I've never had to get used to something so difficult, it tastes so different that I had the hardest time to get used to the milk. Then, whenever I used to go back to my country, I couldn't really drink the milk there cause I was so used to the one in California. 
Obviously, it's more than just the milk or cereal, it's also the way you live your daily life. 

Back in my country, I used to go everywhere by walking, taking the subway, and the metro... Here, you need a car, and if you are like me afraid of driving, it can cause a little problem! The one I commonly see is how parents are always behind children when it comes to football games to go watch or to actually get involved with their school projects. In my country, don't expect your parents to come watch you all the time, they were busy doing something else. Let's be honest, I prefer the Californian way better, but then again, parents shouldn't be slaves either. The best way is to come watch your kids play, but if you really cannot, just don't come. Kids, if explained, will understand unless they are treated like kings and queens then it's a lost cause, just go watch their games! 

To end this little post, if you come from a different country, don't excuse yourself for finding everything boring, or weird, you aren't used to it all! It's different! I can only assure you that you aren't the only one is this situation. A little advice though, you should really try to find similar products from your country in California or wherever you are, you will be a lot happier. Spending Euros in America by byuing online will cost you more at the end. 

"For a foreigner, L.A. is such a big, wonderful and weird place that, until you find your niche, you feel a little bit discombobulated." - David Lyons

~ Bella

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