Saturday 18 June 2016

Let's be honest!

We, women, give excuses to so many guys on why they aren't calling back or anything that surrounds them!
Here is the truth about him not being into you at all...

He isn't into you if he only calls or wants to see you when he is drunk!
It can be fun to be drunk, but at parties or at a date, sure but if he only calls you or ask to see you when he is drunk, give up now! Don't let him hurt your feelings.

He isn't into you if he isn't calling or texting you!
We all know how to use a cell phone nowadays. Please stop with the excuse of him being busy or he lost his phone. He has it with him! (There's always an exception, but to be honest, it doesn't happen much!)

He isn't into you if doesn't answer the phone,  or completely disappear on you!
It's painful, and you are hurt, making up excuses, but STOP! There's no need, just move on to the next one, this one isn't coming back and he is clearly not into you whatsoever.

He isn't into you if doesn't ask questions about your life, your passion, about you!
A man who is interested will be asking questions about your hobbies, your work, your favorite type of food... They know how to ask questions!

He isn't into you if you always text or call him first!
Give up, see if he calls first, then we can talk...

He isn't into you if he only talks about himself, his issues and not yours!
A man who is interested will ask about your health, your problems...

He isn't into you if while you are together it ends up in sex!
Sex is amazing, but if there's not one day without it, not one night, it always has to be about sex... Please run away now before it's too late!

He isn't into you if he tries to change who you are!
Someone who is interested in you (this could go with everyone) will accept your flaws! They won't try to change who you are.

He isn't into you if you are always in a doubt!
If you can't stop thinking he is with someone else, or playing around, texting a girl... No, it's a NO! Don't get into anything.

Being interested in someone is asking questions about them, is taking them out, show them to people, call them or text them! Just be honest, don't let anyone on, don't play games, don't hurt anyone because you want to have fun!
I've seen it so many times before, experienced it, today I can tell if someone isn't interested in the other person. I'm not that good when it comes to my own situation, but when it comes to others, I'm usually on the spot! Don't trap yourself in giving the guy plenty excuses, it's not worth it! Not at all!

"A gentleman never give false hope."


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