Friday 22 July 2016

Don't be judgmental, please...

I'm writing this post as of Thursday 21st, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. or 18:30 for today Friday the 22nd.

First off, I'm a bit tipsy, maybe a little more than just a "bit", but I can still write so keep your comments to yourself! Give me a break!

Thursday:  After waking up to my mum's messages of an old journal of mine with no pages inside whatsoever, I knew that the day was going to be "bollocks", completely "shitty". If you have to know, it was my second journal, the one I had when I was 7 years old, and my father who doesn't care that it is private used it against my mother for the divorce. Since then I haven't seen it, he kept it, until my brother who wanted to be nice took it without looking inside. He should have, but yeah, no pages, all ripped out from the cover. I'm still feeling sick about it, and it's also one of the reasons I wanted to forget about the day! 

So no matter what, I got up, took a shower, and went to grab a yogurt type of bowl at a cafe. It was rather good, I believe there is some more in the fridge which is amazing:), and my mum called... Ended up skyping with everyone, got to see my younger brothers, which made me smile big. That part was quite nice until my dear mum decided to show me the goodies from Europe... It made me miss the food a lot more than usual like I wasn't feeling bad enough already. She had to make it worse... Thank you mum for that! Then I opened a bottle of white wine that turned up more to be bubbly, not a fan! But it did get me tired, and since I needed to forget a few things from the morning, I decided to lay on the couch in front of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. 
I fell asleep for 30 minutes, but my problems and the shitty day didn't go by very fast! It was rather disappointing.
Days like these shouldn't exist! Honestly!
As it is the evening, I'm supposed to cook myself some food for dinner, but a shitty day like this means candy and wine... Great mix, you should try it! Hopefully, I don't have a massive headache tomorrow when I wake up from my short night. And let's wish I don't forget to post this one when I wake up on Friday, today!
The funny fact is that I've got a drunk playlist on my Itunes, and I can't sing along to any of the songs except "Snap Out Of It from Artic Monkeys". It's one of the most listened, watch the clip!

I'm actually starting to think I'm more than just tipsy!
Ps: I had to delete a bunch of people on my Instagram so if I accidently unfollowed you, it's an accident, don't take it personally, I will try to get everyone I like back when sober up. So not when I'm writing this post! For some odd reason, I followed people that didn't interest me whatsoever so clean up time for drunk little me! :)

Being drunk is a funny feeling! Everyone react kind of differently, I know one of my friends got very sad and would cry like a baby, and there would be nothing to cheer him up. It was quite annoying! Then you have the aggressive one, the one that starts picking fights for no apparent reason... I've seen a couple of them, one was just too drunk that when he tried punching the person in front of him he missed and hit the wall next the guy. It was hilarious to watch, but sad... I never got to know if he was alright. Hopefully... Next, is the goofy one... I'm kind of goofy when drunk, it's part of how I'm drunk. We laugh at EVERYTHING without exception! Actually, I played a video game last time, I'm usually the type to set off quickly and get frustrated, angry, but when I'm drunk, I'm just "Oh, that missed..." It's funny because I laugh most the time and don't see the mistakes and why I lose. The one that is also like me is the affectionate one. Alright, not the one that goes all sexual on you, and takes her
blouse off... I mean it could happen, but no! The affectionate ones are just sweet and cuddly, more open minded to be in people's arms, to curl up like babies. They are innocent, no violence and usually hilarious to watch cause it happens, we become babies... Watch out for us!
Some people black out completely, and the next day it's all a blur. It happened to me once at a friend's house.... Too much vodka and I threw up everywhere. He cleaned up and put me to bed... Next day, I was covered in bruises from bumping everywhere, and my hair was wet... I managed to be in a shower at 5 in the morning, drunk, sick... I don't recall anything except falling down on the bathroom floor, and having the dog following me. That's about it, for more information you should ask the friend that took care of me. I'll always be grateful for what he did! A Little tip, don't over drink even sad... You don't know where you will end up the next day! I've got lucky to have a really good friend!

Alright, alright,  it's getting too long, too much to read, sorry, when I'm drunk I can write for hours... Blame the alcohol, not me... It's not my fault! It's the crappy day! Thursday the 21st isn't as amazing as it looked, sunny and hot!

"She's not getting drunk for the hell of it. She's getting drunk to numb the hell of it." - Sean Bates

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