Wednesday 10 May 2017

Does Your Taste of Music Should Matter? (5)

Music... Music... Music...

I cannot stand the idea of not listening to music. I need it when I get sad, happy, anxious, doing the laundry or cooking. 
When I get into a relationship I want to know about the music taste of the partner because....

I. No arguments! 
That's right! No need to get into a fight on who's music is going to be played, or how long it should be on. Every couple will disagree on at least two things or more, but at least no matter what happens, music will stay the same. It could be a way to get both of you back in a calmer zone. No needs for talks, songs are going to be there for you! 

II. Concerts/ Festivals
You will always have someone to go with you. The fun part of it all is that they will always find a way to tag along because you both have the same taste in music.

III. No complaining when money is spent!
When you talk about concerts and festivals, money comes in, expensive tickets, but let's be honest, when the both of you are on the same page... Money spent on tickets don't matter as much anymore. Remember that time when your girlfriend started complaining about your football tickets? Well, this time it will be different because music makes it different! Half of the time you'll be more interested in taking your other half with you to the festival or concert! 

IV. Car trips
Long road trips are beyond boring when both of you are fighting one another. Not only they could get heated and annoying, but it could be dangerous especially when you are driving. So why fighting for hours on who will be able to get that music on. No more stressful situation, kick back and take the whole trip in. 

V. Memory sharing!
It's like the first song you danced to or the song that made you cry on your engagement day. Songs hold memories, important ones, sad and happy ones. Memories will stay with you forever!

VI. Mixtapes/ Playlists... Easy!
Do you go on your iTunes and make some playlists for bath times, reading times, homework, cooking... I know I do. When your partner has the same taste in music, making playlists will be easy as pie. It will become a hobby, and mixtapes will be just as easy as these playlists. 

VII. Present/ Gifts
No more headaches, no more stress, only too many ideas! When you need to buy a present for someone, the ideas don't show up easily, it will be a headache that doesn't go away easily. I know I've always had some issues concerning gifts, could be hard to buy for someone... It's over! Now, since he/she likes the same music as you, t-shirts, tickets, albums, or posters are there. 

VIII. Fashion style!
You both won't have to worry about how your partner looks like because it's about their music style. Band shirts will be completely alright because it is a band that you also love to listen to.

Music may seem unimportant, but if you look at all the people that listen to their music, it turns out to be much more important... So when you have a relationship with someone who ends up having the same music taste, life gets better. 

"Music is essentially an emotional language, so you want to feel something from the relationships and build music based on those feelings." - Howard Shore


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