Friday 2 September 2016

Benefits you may gain from being single...

I'm sure most of us are single and unhappy... But have you ever thought about the good that being single may procure?

From what I've seen, read, experience, I can tell you some benefits of being single are around! The idea of being "alone" might have gotten as far as boring, and pretty lonely, you might be mistaken, slightly mistaken!

It's about finding your true self, what you are all about, the good, the bad, the unexplained, the confusion that surrounds you, what are your weaknesses, strengths, insecurities. We know what our physical appearances are all about, but do we know what's hidden behind our tough shell? Being single gives you the opportunity to have some solitude, so embrace it, learn and discover who your true self is.

It's about discovering what you want in your future. Job, family, friends... Dreams exist, but how many people can say they arrived at that dream destination? When you are in a relationship you have new responsibilities, you can't just take a job opportunity all across the ocean because you know that
your other half won't be able to make it out there with you, and it's a charge. Don't get me wrong, don't assume I would prefer to be single, but sometimes it helps you build what you want around you.

It's about these little-forgotten skills that are showing up again! We all forget what we are truly capable of doing, and being single makes you look at life differently than while being in a relationship. Your confidence builds up, and your journey of self-discovery makes you gain some talents, or hidden skill appears again!

It's about loving ourselves! Being by yourself makes you see that you also deserve to be loved. There is a saying "Love yourself before you can love anyone else..." You certainly can love someone else, even if you are going through a nightmare, but you obviously won't love with a pure heart, and won't be able to love without low self-esteem getting in the way.  Loving ourselves is important! Don't forget that! 

It's about being you and flirt without fear! We all flirt, don't try and deny it, even the person who flirts the worst, still does it! Flirting is an innocent little gesture, but it can be quite dangerous, someone may end up developing feeling. If you love flirting, I suggest you get back to your single state to prevent a disaster with your partner, obviously, if you are in a relationship.

It's about saving time and money! Let's face the fact, when you are in a relationship you love to spend on your other half. You try to please the other party, spend your free time with them instead of something for yourself. Some couples need a certain amount of time on the phone, over text, and without knowing it, the hours you spend on the phone takes most of your day! 

It's about staying and growing your friend circle. When you are in a relationship, you have less time for your friends, and that happens to everyone almost. Just because you are in a relationship doesn't mean you have to let your friends go, but we see them less. Single people focus on siblings, friends more. 

Being single as its perks, don't be ashamed, feeling lonely or act like you will die alone! It won't get you anywhere, and I promise you, being alone is refreshing, you need it sometimes. You need some alone time to resource yourself, relax and think about yourself. 

"Being single doesn't mean that you know nothing about love. Sometimes, being solo is wiser than being in a false relationship." 


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