Friday 20 January 2017

Let's take some responsibilities...

Next stop... 

Helping our children take ownership of their lives

Responsibility is the ability to take ownership of both accomplishments and mistakes. 

"The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life." - Hal Elrod


*Follows through on promises and commitments
* Is dependable
* Does what needs to be done without being asked
* Accepts blame (does not make excuses or blame others  for mistakes)
*Does the right thing, even when no one is watching

How you can help your child

1. Model it
The most powerful way to teach responsibility is to model responsibility for your child. If you make a promise to someone, keep it. If you make a commitment, stick to it until the end (even if you don't feel like it). Verbalize these situations for your child. You could say, "I'd really like to stay home today, but I promised our neighbors I would help them with their garden."

2. Let them help you
Young children often want nothing more than to help you (cook, clean, fold laundry). Even though it may take 3 times longer to get something done, let them help you. Letting them help you builds your child's confidence and self-worth and teaches them how to do chores. Be careful not to be overly critical they do the job-- this can undo the positive experience.

3. Chores, chores, chores
Age-appropriate chores are an important part of building responsibility. Before assigning chores, be sure to model each task for your child. Start small, and gradually add tasks as they get older. Make a visual list or chart so your child can see what needs to be done each day. 

4. Help them understand consequences
Each choice we make has a consequence- positive or negative. Being responsible means that we try to make choices that are going to give us the best consequences. Use examples from your life to help reinforce this. You could say, "I chose to pack my lunch last night, and now I don't feel rushed this morning." Give your child opportunities to make good choices, but don't rescue them when they forget their responsibilities. If they are responsible for bringing their band instrument to school and they forget, don't bring it to them. Let them pay the consequence this time and chances are, they will be more responsible the next time. 

We all have to deal with responsibilities, but how many of us take them seriously?
Children may have a difficult time taking them seriously, but adults have to deal with these important ones. Most of us don't even take them seriously, prefer to have others deal with their responsibilities. But at some point we are all responsible for someone or something!
Don't try and run away from them! 

"Responsibility is the price of freedom."- Elbert Hubbard.


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