Friday 6 January 2017

The Phone Anxiety...

The phone anxiety... I'm not entirely positive on the existence of such an anxiety, but it does to me...

Phone stress, when you feel uncomfortable waiting at the end of the line for multiple seconds for the others to respond, pick up the phone. That moment when you are on the phone but feel like you are talking to a robot because the other's person's voice changed. Sad truth! Kind of!
You know when you call the water district or even the electric company because you are having issues paying online, you have to call them. They don't let a representative respond automatically, you have to go through robotic voices and information before getting someone on the phone if they let you get one! What an amazing, wonderful, productive experience! The stressful situation if you have a difficult time on the phone. Not the best, but it's useful to have a phone nowaday!

Before saying you have phone anxiety, check if you have any of these symptoms:

- You feel extremely anxious when making or receiving calls?
- You push all the calls away?
- You worry about calling people because you think you going to bother them?
- You always think about when the person will say?
- You avoid making calls or have others call you?

Then when you are on the phone:

- You shake uncontrollably?
- You have a hard time concentrating?
- You feel your heart racing?

Overcoming Phone Phobia/Anxiety is not as easy as it may be, but there are steps to overcoming...

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as cognitive restructuring and exposure training can help your thoughts and practice feared behaviors. If you are more a self-help type of person...

- Remember pauses are a normal part of conversations.
-Remember yourself businesses want you to call. (service lines).
- Know you're not expected to be perfect.
-Recall successful past phone calls.
- Set goal, baby steps.

Don't be afraid of answering the phone, call people if you want to... Technology can be scary, but people are worse...

"It's a phobia. It has no logic. You can't talk me out of it, so just go away." -Anita Blake


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