Monday 26 December 2016

Christmas Miracle... Did it happen?

Christmas is over, our stomachs are full, and the excitement of the last few days is slowly calming down as the New Year approaching fast... 

I'm a fan of Christmas in general, the food, the decorations, the Christmas tree, the music, the films, the moments spent with loved ones... And that Christmas miracle, the one I wait impatiently each single year! 
Since I was little, I was a bit too excited over Christmas, the cold weather, the warm hot chocolate, the movies, and that famous Christmas Miracle. Each year, a few Christmas Miracles happens throughout the world, between a family rescue, a couple adopting a child or even as finding a shelter to a lost kitten. Hearing about Christmas Miracle always made me think about my own Christmas Miracle... And as a hopeless romantic that I am, always watching these Christmas Romantic movies who always happen to have that Christmas Miracle that surrounds love, I wanted to have my own. Since then, each year, I wish to get that miracle, the love that may happen on that day! But I always get my hopes up for no reason. Each year is a lost cause! Which now, I laugh at. I don't take it as seriously as before, good news on that point, but it's still a little pain that grows inside of me. Being a hopeless romantic kind of sucks! I'm sure there's plenty of you that had that Christmas Miracle happen in your life either it was receiving a puppy for Christmas or getting rescued from a crash or even finally seeing your grandparents on Christmas Eve... 

This year's Christmas Miracles have been coming through quickly, one by one. 
A sheriff's official rescued a family near the Grand Canyon who had being lost in the forest, caught in a snowy blizzard. The family was separated, but the rescue was done smoothly enough to get the family back together, getting everyone treated for cold hands injuries and others. One story that people call a Christmas Miracle! Driving in the snow is quite dangerous and each year, we hear stories about family getting stuck in blizzard not finding their way back... This time the family made is all alive, back together as a family! 
Another story that touched me was when I read that "Santa" came in a classroom close to Christmas and asked a boy what he wanted for Christmas. The little boy responded by an X-Box and his dad who had left on Easter day for a mission in Kuwait. His father is a marine, and the little boy wanted to see his father for Christmas. Next thing you know, the "Santa" started taking off the beard, the hat, the costume. The little boy realized that it was his father and not a stranger. "Santa" had let the Marine come home early and surprise his son at school. A Christmas Miracle for this little boy who will be able to hug his father on Christmas day! 
A sweet caring story between a couple made me realize that life may be short. The couple, not too young, were feeding their horses when the husband falls with a massive heart attack. The wife runs on her broken foot to do CPR on her poor husband until the paramedics arrive. They come 17 minutes later to take the husband to the nearest hospital when the husband get taken care of. Coma, bruised eye from hitting his elbow as he fell, memory loss for sure... He survived. They said it was because of the fact that his wife did CPR on him increasing his chance of survival. A Christmas Miracle! They got to see most of their children who flew to see their father alive! 

Miracles happen, no matter how small or big they are. I know that somehow I did receive a Christmas Miracle, I had my little brother on the phone on Christmas morning! My brother had flown back to Europe for Christmas to see our father, and usually, he cannot calls or get the internet making our connection being almost inexistent! I'm quite the worry type of person so when my brother leaves to Europe, I worry, constantly, making me lose a great amount of sleep each time! This time, I got to hear his voice and a smile was brought back to my face! Siblings fight, have a love/hate relationship, but you can't deny the love that surrounds them. I know I can't deny the love I have for my brother, I'm his rock and his just my annoying taller bug that I love to annoy. I may have not got that love miracle, but I got my brother on the phone. I got to hear him say I love you when he barely tells it to me. It may seem small, but it's a huge deal for me! 

"A Christmas miracle is when your family doesn't get into a single argument all day."- Melanie White


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