Wednesday 28 June 2017

Does your hair colour should matter? (12)

Hair colour could actually matter in a relationship. Some are more attracted to a certain colour, but let's not believe that people will not go out with you because you are blond, brunette or ginger.  

I personally go, usually, for blonds but I've been in relationships with men with black, brown hair. The color did not change my feelings. We are more attracted to a certain style, and you can't do much about it. 

Now, you have to accept the fact that everyone will judge you, partially for your hair colour! 

Everyone will want to talk to you, you are rather approachable. Somehow people will also think you are idiotic, no smarts, and above all needy. And the basic belief that many people will agree on is the fact that blondes are used to get whatever they want, be treated like princesses all the time. Then again blondes are more flighty than others. 

Smart you say? Is that even true? I don't believe we are smarter than you! More affectionate and more passionate? Could be true, but again, not every brunette will be the best lover. Some studies showed men photographs of brunettes, blondes, and redheads. Those who saw the brunette rated her more capable than the other ones. Higher salary! 

No soul? What a joke! You are most likely to be burned by the sun, be hated by your doctors. Apparently, they have this reputation for having low pain tolerance. Not true though! Another reputation they might actually be known for is the capacity to be brave and strong in this "I'll kick your ass". 

Now, there are plenty of different colours, shades, and most of the time, we judge people for the colour. For example platinum blonde... It's extremely rare to have this natural hair, my little cousin had it, but it darkened after a few years, but it's rare for an adult to have this specific colour. 
Now, my colour is rather tough to pull as it is a deep brown almost black. Not many can pull it off, but Italians do! And guess what... I get judged for having pale skin but deep brown hair which could be black with natural highlights. "Oh you must be a good judge of character" or " You are so smart, the intelligence level must be high comparing to these blondes." 

Please, just because I've got black hair doesn't make me any smarter than the person next to me or make me nicer, warmer as a human being. Stop judging people because of the hair colour. Brunettes have issues trust me! 

I don't believe anyone should care if the next partner is a brunette or blonde. Love is love and if you can't pass it because you are attracted to a sudden brunette instead of a redhead, then you should review your personality and view!

"Sure, my life isn't perfect but my hair is."


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