Wednesday 8 February 2017

Pinches, Yells, Hits, Cuddles, Little I Love You...

Happy Birthday To My Little Brother
Who Turned 17 Years Old!

One of my brothers is now 17 years old. Almost considered an adult, and yet I still see him as a baby... I know parents have the feeling, but I'm close to my brother and I can't see him as an adult yet! I'm not ready for it! Seventeen years of age isn't a big deal, I've gone through it a couple years ago, it didn't change who I was, stayed the same!

Emi, little Emi... He is taller, stronger and amazing, but before I'm telling you all about how wonderful he is... Let's talk about how he was as a kid, because, if you have siblings yourself, you'll know that it's a love/hate relationship that goes on and on.

We grew up together, raised by my mum, and the friends we had were siblings themselves. So my best friend had a sister who happened to be my brother's age and his best friend. Cute, right?
Emilian was a silent little-introverted person who loved to play around with his friends, make up songs, pretend to eat spiders so they would end up being Spider-man. He wanted to work with cows when an adult even invented a name for his future job. Thanks to the countryside, we didn't have much to do than being at my friend's house which had a farm with animals. I don't know how much time we spent there between helping with the animals, looking for hiding spots, and run around with the dogs at their grandparents' house.

My brother and I had to go through a lot together, he mostly saw the good, thanks to his optimistic side. I may have to protect him a lot more than I should have, but that's how we became stronger. We are a team with a bunch of fights, an incredible amount of insults thrown out just because we are pissed at each other... But at the end of the day, when my dear brother has to go back in Europe, I can't stop worry, text him even if he barely reads any of them.

Siblings have an odd relationship where each one of them has a certain role, a certain task around the house. I'm the oldest, more responsibilities than everyone, and Emilian happens to be the "middle" child. There's a big gap between the youngest one so he is pretty much a youngster.
Without saying anything, you have to realize that my brother happens to be very closed to communication, he barely talks and would prefer to talk to people he feels comfortable with.

All I know is that without my brother to bug around, yell out, I would be quite lonely! I'm proud of having a little genius like him as my brother, I wouldn't exchange him in millions of years. 

I love you


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