Monday 17 April 2017

Women... What We Think and What We Have to Admit...

Us, women, have issues with the why and how a man just cannot be into us. We make up excuses to defend a person that shows no interest in us, whatever the case may be.

Men know how to use a phone, cell phone, no worries on that. A simple text message, a call doesn't take the entire day. Sure, they can be busy, but come on now, drop the bullshit, the bloody idiotic excuse that you keep on telling yourself. They can find some time for you in their crazy day. Cell phones is a genius invention, saves us lots of precious time, and yet we still manage to keep excusing people for not calling. If we can butt dial a person, we can take two minutes of our day to message. The worst part is when they promise or tell you that they will call later, but doesn't call or message whatsoever. Please give yourself credit, you deserve a lot more than this piece of garbage that doesn't bother talking to you at all. Forgetting to call you excuse... Give me a break, he hasn't because he is not into you. The only way someone could deserve such an excuse is somehow that person had an emergency, someone close died, or car accident and they are in the hospital, or natural disaster suddenly broke out and managed to mess up the internet/connection. Usually, if someone is interested in you, they will contact you a way or another... Forgetting isn't a good excuse, forget that and not the person!

Men know how to be sober around their family members, their bosses, their friends, so they can be sober around you! Indeed, drinking and eating are fun... I mean who doesn't like to party, sometimes, a drink is just for the fun of it, but it's not a necessity. Yes, at times, we need to unwind from a long, hard day of work, but if it's the only moment they reach out to you, compliments you or give you affection, then that's the wrong guy, he doesn't care much. He is just not that into you. Anyone can drink just like anyone can be sober. Don't let your desire to be loved and feel affection cloud your judgment. Alcohol doesn't make a person, just because they act normally after taking five shots of tequila or smoked weed before going to bed, doesn't mean a thing! The substance is still there! A bad boy is a bad boy, they aren't serious and you deserve better!
Men know how to touch you, quite easy if you ask me! They are great at using certain parts of their bodies while that brain of theirs, not so much! If a man likes you, he will kiss you! Then he will most likely imagine what you look like in your undies. That's how men work... No logic into that but that's how it is and there's nothing to do about it! You had sex, plenty times but he had stopped. You have been seeing each other for about two months now and he stopped... It doesn't happen unless it's not working out for him. Too many excuses are given to people who fear intimacy, commitment. There are many people reading about the specific subject, others got to therapy to understand themselves. Fear happen, but if yu truly like someone, the fears should disappear, eventually... Then there are the men who don't have sex with you at all, preferring to eat ice cream, popcorn and watch movies all night long, each time you see each other. I mean sure once in a while, but if it's all the bloody time, he is either homosexual or just not into you. Being happy without doing anything is alright as long as it is not each time. Even as a long-term relationship, things do slow down, but it never stops! It's considered a gift, a joy, and everyone should enjoy it, have the right to have a fantastic sex life.
Women have a hard time seeing what's obvious, they hope for the best when clearly, the man doesn't care as much as the woman wanted him to. No interest in them whatsoever. He is just not into you! It doesn't matter if the person might seem interested, if he is, everything will be about you, messages would come along more often than expected, and they would ask you out for dinners, cinemas...They will bring you closer towards them instead of letting you go off in your own ways. Women keep hoping for things that will never come around; when a man isn't interested it's obvious, but we are blinded by the faith that he might, just slightly, might like us, be interested in us...
There's a movie which came out a few years back about how men were not into women and vice versa. Chick flick for sure, no doubt about that, but it was a good slap because even though I might see the obvious thing, know how men may act most of the time, it's still complicated to know when it's concerning me. I still keep a little place in my heart for some hope which may never come.
Women are quite different from men, Mars vs. Venus! We've always been interested in knowing how we both think, but both genders have their faults and truths. Are we suppose to change who we are? No! It's who we are, how our hormones work, and sadly, all we can do is understand one another in order to make it work!

" Women always worry about the things that men forget; men always worry about the things women remember."- Albert Einstein


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