I'm usually not a fan of any documentaries except for historical ones and the ones about Egypt (ancient times).
I came across this tv show "Raiders Of The Lost Arts" on Netflix, just this morning!
I was looking into history as I'm a fan (thanks to my grandfather), and I cannot help myself in wanting to know more about where we come from.
This show actually made me think of the class I took back in High School, the art comprehension class. Art is part of our life, past, future, and being able to see and learn about the art that has been stolen is just a big source of facts, history. Being able to watch and learn about the art is incredible. I knew Hitler loved art and also destroyed a lot of it, but to know and to be confirmed that the Nazi actually appreciated art just like other human beings, is amazing in its own ways.
If you are interested in animals watch an animal documentary, there are so many of them and most of them are just incredible.
I've done my share of research with the mafia, mob for my novel, but it also taught me certain information that unconsciously I wanted to know about.
Whenever you watch a documentary you learn facts, data that are indeed true. So you might end up impress someone out there with the knowledge that you learned from documentaries! :)
Be ready to read about history quite a lot more than cooking recipes...
"In documentary films, you're a storyteller using found objects. You still have to have a story arc and all the elements that make a good story. It really helped me mature as a storyteller." - Garthstein