Thursday, 5 October 2017

Just don't -

Living in California for over nine horrible years, I've got to be an expert on Californians or Americans in general. What I mean by that is... Well, let's start with... 
Just don't tell me ice cream and gelato is the same. It's not. I'm from Europe, I'm part Italian, I know what my gelato is like and what ice cream is like. Two different things which happen to be in the same category of dessert. If you won't say frozen yogurt is the same as ice cream don't bother arguing with me about gelato. You will lose. 
Just don't show up half-naked at the bar to then complain how guys are real pigs. Have you heard of common sense? I don't think so since you can't even realize how provoking it is to be half naked in front of a guy or lady. If you don't want guys to look at you, don't dress like trash, they will treat you as such... 

Just don't try running in heels when you have a mini skirt on. I mean if I were a man or attracted to women I would have probably not minded it but it's not the case. It's actually embarrassing and quite uncomfortable. No one has to see your underwear or your butt. It doesn't make you beautiful, attractive. 

Just don't pretend you are a proud American. You've got a terrible puppet as president. If it was the movie IT, your president would be the clown. Plus if being American means ignoring your origins as well, then... I don't know what to tell you cause most of the population has some European blood, Mexican blood, African blood... If being proud American means acting like Nazis have acted in the past, then I've got nothing to you except to start having a heart cause your humanity has been lost. 

Just don't come up to me with a bloody idiotic speech about how I should be an American citizen. I don't feel like America is my home, I don't understand Americans, I don't have the same culture ( that's if they have one), and your president isn't helping me want to become a citizen. So please keep your speech to yourself. 

Just don't act like your friend. Friends aren't fake people who only talk to you when they need something. They talk to you because they feel like checking up on you or just need to talk, to vent, to hang out. I feel like most people are just acquaintances who are only curious about my life to gossip afterward. No need to pretend a friendship, I don't like fake people anyways. 

Just don't tell me how I should eat! Look at yourself first before attacking me. I'm not the one eating fast food every day. I'm not the one eating chips all hours of the day or drink soda whenever I have something to eat. I'm the one who should be attacking you, and tell you how you should be eating, healthy. Keep your comments to yourself, last time I check I was good with my weight. 

Just don't drive in the rain! I'm not going to be an evil person who tells you do not drive at all. Just in the rain for now. I understand how Californians aren't used to rain, we all see how dramatic they get after a fifteen-minute shower. It's not like Texas... So driving in the rain is tough, I shouldn't know since I don't drive and yet, being in the passenger seat, I can tell people panic when there's rain. For everyone's sake, just stay indoors and try not to drive anywhere. 

Just don't show us your big ring. Who cares how big the diamond is... It doesn't prove how much he loves you, or she loves you. It's  shiny, yes, some people love them, I don't, but I don't believe they want to constantly have to hear, " Look how big my diamond is. He loves me so much. We are going to grow old together." And then two years later... Divorce. That ring doesn't promise you a lifetime with that person so keep your ring to yourself and don't show it too much. 

Just don't tell me " You should smile more". As far as I'm concerned, life isn't all rainbows and smiles. Life isn't all pretty and pink. I'm from Europe, and there, it's more common to see someone look " normal", not a fixed smile who looks fake half the time. If you are not getting spit at or being mistreated, then there's no harm committed. Smiling nonstop doesn't make you trustworthy so maybe lay low on it or stop complaining about Europeans not smiling as much as you would like. On the other hand, if you love to show your pretty smile, go ahead, no one will stop you. 

Just don't think you're intelligent when you come up with, " pizza is American" or " you can't be African, you are not black". The ignorance is above average. If there was a prize for how dumb a country is, The United States would win without even fighting for it. If you are trying to convince yourself I'm wrong on the subject or you believe Americans are smart then explain to me how white people or Arabs cannot say they are African? I mean, in geography you should have learned that Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and others are African. These countries are in Africa! And you may have heard about a lot of white people in the south of Africa? They can't say they're African though cause the colour of their skin isn't black so it obviously means not African. Americans don't do enough geography if they can't even believe Africa is a continent just like Europe, Asia, North America... 

Just don't greet me with a "Yo" or a "Hey". I don't know you, we are not friends, and we certainly haven't gotten a drink together. Last time I checked I didn't pee in front of you as well. Why not be respectable and say "Hello". Does it hurt you to say such a respectful word? 

Just don't tell everyone how rude Europeans are when you can't even be polite yourself. Europeans are blunt compared to Americans, I think we all can agree on that, but usually the "Hello", " please", "thank you", and " bye" is common to us, Europeans. While it seems like Americans are too lazy to even reply to a simple "Hello". Who's ruder? 

It seems like I can go on and on about the just don't... But I'll stop there cause I don't believe everyone will be open to criticism. After all, the truth is known to hurt and be the one subject Americans will try hard to not hear. Despite the fact that I'm having really difficult times with Americans, I live there and I'm started to also see the good in America unless it's political, health, education, food... But other than that, America has lots to offer if the president and people would calm down with their beliefs which are destroying the country and everyone in it.

" Great countries are those that produce great people." - Benjamin Disraeli 


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