Tuesday, 10 October 2017

I'm Golden... 

It's officially Autumn! Summer has finally died to leave me in a better mood. 
Alright, that's not all true, I can't say summer hasn't gone just yet since the weather isn't rainy, windy or cold enough for big sweaters and scarves. No beanies yet... Even though it is Autumn, it does not feel like it in California... How could it be this perfect season when all you have is the constant sun, bright blue sky, and the unbearable frustrating warm temperature... How? 

So much anger towards Summer, the hot sun burning our skin, the humidity making us sweat... I cannot stand Summer except, for one simple tiny thing... Autumn is here now... 

Favourite season...

I know I've been obsessing with the season but when you don't have the chance of living in a city where my sweater weather comes every year, you start missing it a lot. I have been having a long love story with sweaters, and despite the terrible fact that I cannot always wear them makes me depressed.

What makes this beautiful season so fabulous in many ways is simple. Really simple.

Autumn has gorgeous colours. Come on, the golden red leaves on the trees, falling on your head as you walk on the sidewalk to your work.
The smell of pumpkin spices, the firewood, the smell of rain in the air... Can't get better than this.

For me, the season has always brought something good in my life, and I'm beyond excited for the little boots, the scarves and sweaters to be back. The rain, first tattoo, traveling by myself, falling in love, making new friends... I could go on with the list, but it would be too much to write about and too many details I won't be able to remember. So it would end up being a boring reading for you!

This year, this season isn't going as plan, single, 21 so bars, working, and trying to get everything in my life organized. I'm still planning on getting that tattoo before the season end, planning on seeing a friend but never get it done. My life is a little bit more of a mess than ever before which makes me a little frustrated, but it is also why I started watching films, lots of films.

Let's starts off 'with Harry Potter, yes, I have to watch them every year, no matter what, I will find the time to watch them! They are too good to miss out on.

Now, it's Indiana Jones... I know the soundtrack, but when it comes to what it is about, I have no clue what is going on with anything. 

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels... Recommended to me by British friends, I can't wait to spend two hours in bed with chocolate and hot tea. There is always something interesting about crime, gang-related films. 

Hocus Pocus
One of the best movies to watch in Autumn and no one can argue this! It's a classic that everyone wants to watch and yet... I still haven't watched it. I'm a real winner here. 

The Nightmare Before Christmas! One of the best Tim Burton's films after a few others... This movie may seem childish and yet it is such a good one, the songs, the parody, the whole script. Autumn means Halloween to many of us, and despite the fact that it is not yet Halloween, it's a preparation for both this coming day and Christmas which I cannot wait for any longer. 

Sleepy Hollow, another Burton's movie. I had to watch it for a class back at school, but this time, I want to watch it with another eye, not so critical and judgmental. It has some special actors such as Deep. The costumes, the way they talk, the jump scares will keep me up for an entire night. 

This year's Autumn isn't full of movies as I work two jobs, and trying to keep track of my blog, my novel, and my new draft that is coming slowly into life, at least the whole idea is. 
Autumn isn't all about scary movies, romantic walks in the park, or waking up to the sound of rain. It's about the hot drinks that you get to finally drink such as Pumpkin spice latte (not my thing), hot chocolate,  extra coffee for the frisky mornings. The cuddles are back on especially on dates, and that I cannot resist! 
"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile." - Wiliam Cullen Bryant.


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