Most of the time, we don't realize how far we have come, between the experiences and life itself, preferring not to give ourselves the credit we deserve. We are still alive, breathing, so why not see how much we are doing? Cause being realistic about ourselves either make us look like narcissist people or we have judgments about ourselves.
Before we acknowledge the fact that being real with ourselves can be difficult, there's something else that keeps us from being proud of what we have achieved. Staying humble.
Why do we have to be humble? Why does society teach us to stay in the shadows, quiet, vulnerable enough to be afraid of others views. To be open to the next adventure but not to talk about any success. It teaches us to be a beginner, an observer. Story short, society wants us to stay strong enough to take on criticism. How are we suppose to be strong and vulnerable at the same time? How are suppose to survive?
I blame social media for a lot of things, but let's be honest, we are the cause of such disaster. And sadly, we are the only one who can do something about it all. Repairing what's been done to our generation. But how are we suppose to come back to morals, values when all you can see is fake everything? How do we come back to the time when being humble also meant being able to recognize who we are and what we deserve?
So being humble is to see what we can do without putting someone else down. To show a little too much and make the others feel terrible. Easy to say, hard to do for certain people who would highly prefer to show off a little too much and make some people uncomfortable.
For instance, many have said that I come off as humble because I don't really talk about any accomplishments, show off what I'm capable of doing. Despite the fact that I did have some accomplishments, that I learned a lot more than others my age, I know deep down that someone else has had a harder life, more accomplishments, bigger things. So why trying to show off my things when they aren't important, big enough. At the end of the day, it's more low self-esteem than being humble. But I'll take the compliment because it's given to me for free.
Experiences have been shaping us since the start, shaping us into individuals, good or bad, these experiences are parts of us. And you should give yourself some credit for surviving each day cause this world isn't the best place. Every time you enter a situation, remind yourself that no matter what you should value it. Even though I'm a poor example, I apologize in advance.
But be honest for a second, do you view yourself with accuracy? Do you look in the mirror and see yourself like everyone else sees you?
We are far more interesting, better than we acknowledge. Valuing our experiences isn't "Tell the whole world about them!" It's about being the best version of yourself, using your experiences to create something beautiful. Valuing each situation in order to make you proud of what you have accomplished.
Now that I think and write about it all, I've had tiny yet important experiences that helped me grow into he person I am today. I never cared about them until now... It shows that I'm as good as anyone else.
It also proves me how blind we are to walk pass by experiences, deaf enough to not hear our own voice. That we care a little too much about other's approval when you are supposed to listen to yourself. Because at the end of the day, you are the only one who has to deal with your unpleasant thoughts, cause, after all, people can be jealous and that leads to disrespectful, horrific comments. Humans have the tendency to judge others, I know I do even if I try my best not to do so.
As one writer said, " Lint is picking, is focusing on the small imperfection rather than seeing the greater glory of the whole." This writer made me think about what people have been saying, what I've been saying to myself and it is far from pretty. We believe, most of us at least, we deserve nothing, that we haven't being doing much to deserve something. On the contrary, we deserve a whole lot more than what we see. I'm not saying everyone does, there are some insane people whose humanity have left them with a cold heart.
Remember that not everyone can quit smoking or drinking alcohol. Not everyone can public speak in front of millions of people. Not everyone is capable of cooking dinner every night after work. Not everyone is capable of moving to another city because they don't know anyone there.
As small as it may get, remember that it helped you grow into the person that you are today. Look at me...
I've moved from one continent to another, moved into a country with a different language. Despite the fact that I did learn it at school for a few years, I couldn't speak it enough or understood enough to make friends.
I've been supporting my family in tough times, even became sick because of it.
I've written a novel, finished writing the first draft.
I've been keeping a blog for over a year now and still going.
Managed to get two jobs and still find the time to write, hang out with people I appreciate and love.
They might seem boring, idiotic, uninteresting experiences to lots of you, but they have made me who I am today. They are still accomplishments to me and I wouldn't be the person that I am without them.
Do I keep a lot to myself? Yes, it won't change anytime soon! Do I finally value my experiences? Yes, but I still stay quiet about it.
Now if you don't believe in yourself, I would suggest you write down a list of things you have done, it will help you recognize how much of a person you are. But keep in mind that being able to see what we truly are means keep being yourself, many of us don't like cocky people.
"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. "
~ Bella
A hopeless romantic writer who only wants to share with the entire world. "Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be..."
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Cookies and Cream and Little Buggies...
You must be wondering what the title means and to be fairly honest I'm with you on this one. Not sure what I wanted to called today's post so I ended up with my Coffee Bean order and my slight annoying issue that I've been having since I became friends with one of the worker there. What a love story but that's for other day... So it ended up being Cookies and Cream for my order, and little buggies for my own love life...
So today's post has a personal twist in it, and questions that I've been having for years, unanswered questions, obviously or else it wouldn't be fun.
Curse- to use a word or expression that is not polite and shows that you are very angry.
Curse- magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone.
Curse- a cause of trouble and unhappiness.
As you may have guessed it, today's post is about a curse, one specific curse which is getting all the women in my family in trouble especially from my grandmother to my mother to me. Three generations of unpleasant love stories, and I'm only starting my life... So start imagining the worse for me. ( I'm currently laughing as I'm writing this, but trust me, deep down, I'm crying an ocean).
Don't get me wrong, I have a hard time believing in curses especially love curses. When I hear the word curse, I automatically go for witches and magic spells, the stuff that are in fairytales. Laugh all you want cause I'm laughing at this idiotic thing myself. But when I look at the love experience between my grandmother, my mother and a few other women in my family and how embarrassing their love lives are... You can only believe a curse is upon the women of the family. There is obviously some couples who are doing great, but most are beyond sad and the women fall for the wrong guys. Talk about bad luck!
It started with my grandmother who passed away a few years back. After that, my mother talked to me a bit more about the woman who I had never seen in my life and won't ever be able to. My grandmother had no luck when it came to love, to find the right man and to be a strong independent woman. Love makes you blind and she was the best example for it!
Little side note: French guys, especially back in the 1970's until 2000, were known to be a little too "superior" compare to woman who were to believed to be in the kitchen taking care of the household and the kids. Somehow, even after the woman got more power, the men are still known to act like jerks to their women. Old fashion style to make it simpler. That is also the reason why I try my hardest to stay away from French guys, plus after seeing the world and living in a different country makes me realize that no matter what, I will never really get along with a French guy.
So to go back to my grandmother, she had no luck, and her choice was poor concerning her life style as well as her love life. From walking away type of guys to physically/emotionally violent guys. Well, I'm sure you can imagine these types of guys.
Choosing or falling in love with the right person seems to be nearly impossible for us, and even if I only started, I'm afraid to fall into the same cycle as my grandmother as well as my own mother. They both endure sad moments, no luck with guys, and both never gave me a good example, so being scared of falling for the wrong guys in obviously there!
Despite the fact that we have no luck in love, I don't want to get through the same bullocks of my grandmother nor my mother's. It would be too hurtful, and last time I check I was far from being my mother, not that strong.
Now, the only thing I want to understand is why we have no luck, why do we attract the same type of guys, and why don't we go for the people who are suppose to make us happy?
Is it because we have no positive male figure around us? Is it because we trust too much (can't be right for me since I don't trust people)? Are we too nice (maybe yes for my mother)?
Too many thoughts, too many ideas to keep up with. Is the curse even real? Because all I know is that it's just some bad luck that is running through family members.
"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."
So today's post has a personal twist in it, and questions that I've been having for years, unanswered questions, obviously or else it wouldn't be fun.
Curse- to use a word or expression that is not polite and shows that you are very angry.
Curse- magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone.
Curse- a cause of trouble and unhappiness.
As you may have guessed it, today's post is about a curse, one specific curse which is getting all the women in my family in trouble especially from my grandmother to my mother to me. Three generations of unpleasant love stories, and I'm only starting my life... So start imagining the worse for me. ( I'm currently laughing as I'm writing this, but trust me, deep down, I'm crying an ocean).
Don't get me wrong, I have a hard time believing in curses especially love curses. When I hear the word curse, I automatically go for witches and magic spells, the stuff that are in fairytales. Laugh all you want cause I'm laughing at this idiotic thing myself. But when I look at the love experience between my grandmother, my mother and a few other women in my family and how embarrassing their love lives are... You can only believe a curse is upon the women of the family. There is obviously some couples who are doing great, but most are beyond sad and the women fall for the wrong guys. Talk about bad luck!
It started with my grandmother who passed away a few years back. After that, my mother talked to me a bit more about the woman who I had never seen in my life and won't ever be able to. My grandmother had no luck when it came to love, to find the right man and to be a strong independent woman. Love makes you blind and she was the best example for it!
Little side note: French guys, especially back in the 1970's until 2000, were known to be a little too "superior" compare to woman who were to believed to be in the kitchen taking care of the household and the kids. Somehow, even after the woman got more power, the men are still known to act like jerks to their women. Old fashion style to make it simpler. That is also the reason why I try my hardest to stay away from French guys, plus after seeing the world and living in a different country makes me realize that no matter what, I will never really get along with a French guy.
So to go back to my grandmother, she had no luck, and her choice was poor concerning her life style as well as her love life. From walking away type of guys to physically/emotionally violent guys. Well, I'm sure you can imagine these types of guys.
Choosing or falling in love with the right person seems to be nearly impossible for us, and even if I only started, I'm afraid to fall into the same cycle as my grandmother as well as my own mother. They both endure sad moments, no luck with guys, and both never gave me a good example, so being scared of falling for the wrong guys in obviously there!
Despite the fact that we have no luck in love, I don't want to get through the same bullocks of my grandmother nor my mother's. It would be too hurtful, and last time I check I was far from being my mother, not that strong.
Now, the only thing I want to understand is why we have no luck, why do we attract the same type of guys, and why don't we go for the people who are suppose to make us happy?
Is it because we have no positive male figure around us? Is it because we trust too much (can't be right for me since I don't trust people)? Are we too nice (maybe yes for my mother)?
Too many thoughts, too many ideas to keep up with. Is the curse even real? Because all I know is that it's just some bad luck that is running through family members.
"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
The joys are real!
Living situation:
I have a roommate and a few housemates who shares the house with me.
Mental situation:
I'm alright with the living situation, but being around younger girls even if it's only a year or three years younger, the maturity isn't always on point. Tough when you are the only one buying alcohol.
As far as I know, I'm the type of person that needs to live around people or at least one other person. Living by myself will give me the creeps and yet... I'm thinking about it nonstop!
I can't stop thinking about all the joys I would have living by myself if the rent wasn't so expensive. Welcome to California, almost everything cost you an entire arm.
Little one, welcome silence, peaceful alone time.
Little two, more time to day dream without interruptions.
Little three, do whatever comes to mind at any time.
Little four, drinking tea/coffee/hot chocolate as you watch the rain pour down, or simply gaze at the night sky full of stars.
Little five, being lazy all day long without being judged! Welcome back undies and shirts!
Little six, dancing around, singing as loud as you want like no one is watching cause no one is anyways.
Little seven, have anyone over and share the same bed with them without being afraid for the next morning.
Little eight, cook whenever you want, however you want even if that means in undies at times.
Little nine, having little trips to the fridge whenever even in the middle of the night.
Little ten, melting away your troubles with an amazing bath/candles and some red wine.
Little eleven, taking your time in the morning, a peaceful morning without rushing to get to the shower.
Little twelve, play music as loud as you wish and listen to whatever you feel like.
Little thirteen, being able to go to bed at a reasonable time and not worry about lights or people being loud.
Despite the fact that I already do whatever I feel like it even with roommates or housemates around, I know I would have much more freedom by myself or with just one other person. Living with people means being respectful to everyone in the house. Different time schedule, different personalities, different living style... Having housemates isn't always fun!
Summer is coming to an end, new roommates, new lifestyle, new memories, new adventures... Even though living with younger people can be tough at times, at least I can feel like I can be myself and it seems like I'm more respected which feels nice. Don't blame me for liking the respect that my housemates give me even though the immaturity isn't always around. And I still have the "Mum" reputation, can't argue and disagree with them.
"Everyone has this universal understanding of roommate drama." -Leighton Meester
I have a roommate and a few housemates who shares the house with me.
Mental situation:
I'm alright with the living situation, but being around younger girls even if it's only a year or three years younger, the maturity isn't always on point. Tough when you are the only one buying alcohol.
As far as I know, I'm the type of person that needs to live around people or at least one other person. Living by myself will give me the creeps and yet... I'm thinking about it nonstop!
I can't stop thinking about all the joys I would have living by myself if the rent wasn't so expensive. Welcome to California, almost everything cost you an entire arm.
Little one, welcome silence, peaceful alone time.
Little two, more time to day dream without interruptions.
Little three, do whatever comes to mind at any time.
Little four, drinking tea/coffee/hot chocolate as you watch the rain pour down, or simply gaze at the night sky full of stars.
Little five, being lazy all day long without being judged! Welcome back undies and shirts!
Little six, dancing around, singing as loud as you want like no one is watching cause no one is anyways.
Little seven, have anyone over and share the same bed with them without being afraid for the next morning.
Little eight, cook whenever you want, however you want even if that means in undies at times.
Little nine, having little trips to the fridge whenever even in the middle of the night.
Little ten, melting away your troubles with an amazing bath/candles and some red wine.
Little eleven, taking your time in the morning, a peaceful morning without rushing to get to the shower.
Little twelve, play music as loud as you wish and listen to whatever you feel like.
Little thirteen, being able to go to bed at a reasonable time and not worry about lights or people being loud.
Despite the fact that I already do whatever I feel like it even with roommates or housemates around, I know I would have much more freedom by myself or with just one other person. Living with people means being respectful to everyone in the house. Different time schedule, different personalities, different living style... Having housemates isn't always fun!
Summer is coming to an end, new roommates, new lifestyle, new memories, new adventures... Even though living with younger people can be tough at times, at least I can feel like I can be myself and it seems like I'm more respected which feels nice. Don't blame me for liking the respect that my housemates give me even though the immaturity isn't always around. And I still have the "Mum" reputation, can't argue and disagree with them.
"Everyone has this universal understanding of roommate drama." -Leighton Meester
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup Bread Bowl...
Comfort food...
I came across one recipe which would make sense if it was comfort food. Remember that this recipe is only for one bread bowl!
The ingredients:
~Bread bowl
~Cheese, as needed
~Tomato soup
1. Remove the top of the roll. Using a small knife cut around the inside of the bread (being careful not to cut through the sides) and scoop out the center of the roll- save this for later.
2. Butter the inside of the roll and place 3-4 cheese slices around the inner edge of the bread bowl. Bake in a preheated over at 375 F (190C) until the cheese has melted.
3. Cut the saved center of the roll in half. Butter both sides and create a cheese sandwich.
4. Melt butter in a small skillet over medium heat and fry the sandwich until both sides are browned and the inner cheese has melted.
5. Remove the bread bowl from the oven. Fill with tomato soup and serve with the grilled cheese.
6. Enjoy!
An under 30-minute preparation and it's a delicious little comfort food...
"Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art."
I came across one recipe which would make sense if it was comfort food. Remember that this recipe is only for one bread bowl!
The ingredients:
~Bread bowl
~Cheese, as needed
~Tomato soup
1. Remove the top of the roll. Using a small knife cut around the inside of the bread (being careful not to cut through the sides) and scoop out the center of the roll- save this for later.
2. Butter the inside of the roll and place 3-4 cheese slices around the inner edge of the bread bowl. Bake in a preheated over at 375 F (190C) until the cheese has melted.
3. Cut the saved center of the roll in half. Butter both sides and create a cheese sandwich.
4. Melt butter in a small skillet over medium heat and fry the sandwich until both sides are browned and the inner cheese has melted.
5. Remove the bread bowl from the oven. Fill with tomato soup and serve with the grilled cheese.
6. Enjoy!
An under 30-minute preparation and it's a delicious little comfort food...
"Eating is a necessity but cooking is an art."
Tuesday, 15 August 2017
Let's take a mini trip...
While everyone is talking about the white supremacist protest in Virginia, I prefer to talk about my own little thoughts... I understand how dramatic the situation is, how much racism is around and how disappointing it is for America as well as the entire world, but when you elect a president such as Trump, don't expect too much good happening. I ain't surprised, but it saddens me to see how many idiots are pretending to fight for making America great again... I guess people don't learn from past experiences, from history!
Don't think you'll read about one of my past trips even though some are quite interesting! Maybe you'll read about them later on so do not be disappointed...
What I meant by the title of today's blog post is "Let's take a mini trip into my thoughts", one thought specifically.
More tattoos ideas but one that I'm determined to get before the year end, hopefully before October. Last time I checked, I wasn't as patient as many of you may be.
To begin this mini journey, you have to know a couple of things.
My family has lots of origins and Scandinavian origin is part of that. In other terms, I've got some Viking blood running through my veins... So after I realized this little quick fact about me and my family, I started getting interested in the Norse mythology, since then I can't stop wondering lots about them. Thanks to documentaries, shows, and more reading, I'm starting to understand what they are coming from. After doing my own research I came across runes.
If you don't know what runes are well they are letters in a set of related alphabets known as a runic alphabet. It was first known among Germanic tribes around the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. They were traditionally carved onto stone, wood, bone, metal or some similarly hard surface.
To me, they look like symbols, amazing ones. Obviously, Vikings have their own symbols.
Next thing you have to know about me is that everything about mythology or Celtic legends interest me, I'm a fan! You could talk about Greek, Roman or Norse mythology and I would still be here listening to your converse. I would still be interested in the subject because I'm amazed by how fascinating the whole mythology came into life. Cause when you think about it, they are just legends, stories told generation after generation. They became part of history, part of the culture, of a past, present, and future.
The final thing you have to know is that I'm very open to new languages or any form of writing. I don't mind learning new forms of conversations and it usually makes me want to learn, even more, get that brain of mine working.
Alright, the mini trip started when I was looking for other tattoo ideas. As you may already know, I have a few tattoos and planning on getting a few more.
Before I decided what I really wanted to get on my back shoulder, I was looking around the symbols...
Know that you know a few of their symbols, you cannot stay in the dark with my great tattoo idea, The Helm of Awe.
I got to decide this one because no matter where I go in life, I feel like I need my own protection from the outside world as well as my own. If it wasn't this one, I would go for the Yggdrasil. The tree of life. It's also another symbol close to the Celtic symbol. And even though I'm also Celtic, I wanted something which would be more about me and more Norse than anything.
The Helm of Awe happens to be one of the most popular Norse symbols out there, people have been intrigued by it for centuries, getting the tattoo on themselves. I don't personally want to be like everyone else, but this tattoo has a meaning to me, something familiar and if I can get it, then I won't hesitate! It's a familiar one, a symbol which talks to me...
Next trip... The tattoo artist... Hopefully soon!
"I wish we were born with a tattoo identical to our soul mate, so we don't waste time on people that don't care about us."
Don't think you'll read about one of my past trips even though some are quite interesting! Maybe you'll read about them later on so do not be disappointed...
What I meant by the title of today's blog post is "Let's take a mini trip into my thoughts", one thought specifically.
More tattoos ideas but one that I'm determined to get before the year end, hopefully before October. Last time I checked, I wasn't as patient as many of you may be.
To begin this mini journey, you have to know a couple of things.
My family has lots of origins and Scandinavian origin is part of that. In other terms, I've got some Viking blood running through my veins... So after I realized this little quick fact about me and my family, I started getting interested in the Norse mythology, since then I can't stop wondering lots about them. Thanks to documentaries, shows, and more reading, I'm starting to understand what they are coming from. After doing my own research I came across runes.
If you don't know what runes are well they are letters in a set of related alphabets known as a runic alphabet. It was first known among Germanic tribes around the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. They were traditionally carved onto stone, wood, bone, metal or some similarly hard surface.
To me, they look like symbols, amazing ones. Obviously, Vikings have their own symbols.
Next thing you have to know about me is that everything about mythology or Celtic legends interest me, I'm a fan! You could talk about Greek, Roman or Norse mythology and I would still be here listening to your converse. I would still be interested in the subject because I'm amazed by how fascinating the whole mythology came into life. Cause when you think about it, they are just legends, stories told generation after generation. They became part of history, part of the culture, of a past, present, and future.
The final thing you have to know is that I'm very open to new languages or any form of writing. I don't mind learning new forms of conversations and it usually makes me want to learn, even more, get that brain of mine working.
Alright, the mini trip started when I was looking for other tattoo ideas. As you may already know, I have a few tattoos and planning on getting a few more.
Before I decided what I really wanted to get on my back shoulder, I was looking around the symbols...
Thor's Hammer: a symbol of protection, strength, consecration, and the integrity of custom and tradition.
The Yggdrasil: is the symbol of the tree of life where the Gods and Goddesses lives. The tree that holds together the Nine Worlds or realms of existence.
The Valknut: a symbol associated with death, the transition from life to death, and Odin.
The Svefnthorn: a symbol that could put someone into a long, deep sleep.
The Vegvisir: a symbol from an early modern Icelandic magical manuscript (and therefore not necessarily a truly "Norse" symbol), which was supposed to help with finding one's way when lost.
The Helm of Awe: a symbol of protection and might, but in a darker and more individualistic sense than Thor's Hammer.
Huginn and Muninn- The Twin Ravens: another symbol associated with Odin as they are his servant. They would be the ones who would report back to Odin each evening of the happenings of the world.
Know that you know a few of their symbols, you cannot stay in the dark with my great tattoo idea, The Helm of Awe.
I got to decide this one because no matter where I go in life, I feel like I need my own protection from the outside world as well as my own. If it wasn't this one, I would go for the Yggdrasil. The tree of life. It's also another symbol close to the Celtic symbol. And even though I'm also Celtic, I wanted something which would be more about me and more Norse than anything.
The Helm of Awe happens to be one of the most popular Norse symbols out there, people have been intrigued by it for centuries, getting the tattoo on themselves. I don't personally want to be like everyone else, but this tattoo has a meaning to me, something familiar and if I can get it, then I won't hesitate! It's a familiar one, a symbol which talks to me...
Next trip... The tattoo artist... Hopefully soon!
"I wish we were born with a tattoo identical to our soul mate, so we don't waste time on people that don't care about us."
Thursday, 10 August 2017
Bar to Bar...
As you know I recently turned 21 years old. Even though I've been drinking for a long time now, Americans made it a bigger deal than me, getting even more excited about it than me. I ended up confused as who's birthday it was, theirs or mine?
If someone turns 21 that means more money in your pocket, we get it, but when you are European like me, being 21 means nothing much. It's just another age, getting older. But no, I was in California when I turned 21, the drinking age. Even after two weeks in, people kept wishing my birthday.
Little story, I was grocery shopping with my roommate. A little shop where I had found my bottle of alcohol, Vermouth. Nothing special, right? Well, at the cashier's, the woman asked for my ID, politely enough, smiled, looked at it closely, and told me "Happy Birthday". I thanked her, telling her it wasn't a big deal. Her face turned white as snow, I didn't say anything much just a simple thanks, yet it was the end of the world.
America, I understand you are a new world, your laws are a little messed up especially when it comes to drinking, but do you have to act like complete fools when someone turns 21 years old? Do you have to pound alcohol in your system to get drunk fast enough to work your magic?
Let's get back to our topic, bars.
When you hear bars, you automatically think drinks, getting hit on... While I'm just thinking soccer or pleasant time. Can't deny my culture and where I'm from as it shows it my drinking.
Americans, in general, have perfected the art of pounding several drinks in a matter of just an hour or so. Europeans maintain a buzz the entire evening, many don't even get drunk.
Another difference which keeps shocking me is the way people approach you. It seems like in Europe you won't be approached the same way. First, if they aren't part of the group or your circle or know someone from your circle, they don't usually go talk to you. Strangers stay at their place, generally. Introduction first then they talk. It's not being rude, it's just that we are distrustful.
When I think of bars I think about the good time spent in good company, friends for instance. Here, all I've been seeing is strangers talking, girls (I won't describe them as women) expecting free drinks, and obviously both waiting to catch someone easy to bring home. Not surprising since the average duration of a relationship in Europe is counted by years and not months like most Americans.
Now, Europe is a big continent with many different countries, languages and cultures/traditions. I ain't complaining about America, I ain't saying you don't know what bars are for, but you have to realize that coming from Europe, I can't find the whole bar experience great.
I don't know how many times I've been looked at for being a young woman who drinks beer after work! Too many to keep track of! Not only you are looked for drinking beer and not tequila or vodka like most girls around here, but you are looked because you are alone and you make it clear that you don't want to be bugged. Why would it be alright for guys to hangout at bars, watch sports and enjoy a drink but not women? How is that fair? You tell me!
My American bar experience is limited though, I'm in a town where people are too fake to look at what's real, so I can't just criticize every bar in the U.S.
Sadly, I'm still in shock by my experience around here, California. How the girls dress without many clothes on to just complain about how guys grabbed their bottoms or tried to get with them later on. If you don't want a guy to look at you like an easy girl dress a bit more casual or classic instead of trashy! Trashy girls means easy girls! To me, it sounds more like a complete joke more than anything else.
Santa Barbara may not be the best example when it comes to bars or much stuff in general! And it does not generalize the entire U.S., but a country has its culture and people are usually the same, almost.
Despite the things I still don't fully understand, I made friends with the bartender, the security guys, and a few who works in the kitchen and bar. Just because they work in a bar doesn't make them fools or perverts which I adore! And I've got my little reputation, " the mum" reputation which I gladly take. I prefer to be responsible anyways so... Instead of throwing myself to guys, and act idiotic, I'm responsible enough to throw the truth at random strangers who will approach me like fools. I mean after my last encounter ( a guy came towards me and my roommate at the time, and the first thing he said was that he was a stoner, great way to make a girl fall for you...), sticking to good old tricks is highly recommended.
Then again, I'm a bit cold and chase off guys but I'm still emotional and sensitive. I thought I wasn't attractive enough. But then my friend made a point, " Guys who go to bars don't want cute, sweet, smart opinionated girls like you. They want the loose (not sexually) bubbly party girls who look easy even if they aren't... No guy is calling a girl beautiful at the bar for anything other than sex..."
And then he came up with the fact that my type of guys is hiding in coffee shops and libraries. Sorry to disappoint my friend but I live in these places, and yet, I haven't met Prince Charming!
"Life is just a cocktail party on the street." -Mick Jagger.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Top Summer Favourites...
Summer, summer, summer...
Best time to get a tan on, relax, and obviously read (if you are like me, you won't tan but read, yes you will)...
I don't tan, but I read, a whole lot, and buying books, well that's my thing! So I've gathered a list of books that I enjoyed reading or I'm in the process of reading or buying depending on the novel. Note that all the writers I will be mentioning are writers I either appreciate or adore.
I. Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella.
British writer whose writing is easy to read and get into. This novel is about a young teenager who suffers from a certain type of anxiety which keeps her from doing what other kids her age do.
If you have anxiety and want to read something easy and different, go for it! I encourage you to read it. Now, this writer would be more for teenagers, but I believe that books, stories, any of them are meant for everyone including adults. Somehow this book changed my view on social anxiety, made me understand how people suffer around you can suffer from your disorder. It's quite frankly an inspiring book.
II. The Bookshop On The Corner by Jenny Colgan.
Scottish writer who's passion shine through each book, story. It's about a young woman who loses her job and travels to Scotland expecting something and instead a whole new life awaits her.
One novel I'll read again as it is quite inspiring for young writers as well as readers. Her style of reading is very British, very pleasant to read, and easy enough to jump into the story, become the character itself.
III. Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan.
Yes, another novel from her... This story is about a young woman who's talent are put to the test...
I think what captivated me is how Jenny shows that life isn't always what we expect even if we are "good" at what we do. But there is a bright side to every downfall. Now, I'm still in the process of reading it and it seems like I cannot put the book down, not one bit.
The last one is actually three books as it is a trilogy. I will put the British edition as well as the US edition. I always get the British one but oh well... The author being Santa Montefiore and one of my favourite author! She always managed to capture the right feeling, the right word to make you feel all types of emotions.
IV. Song Of Love And War (UK edition) The Irish Girl (US edition) if you cannot find this one another title came for the US edition, The Girl In The Castle. BOOK I
Daughters Of The Castle Deverill ( UK edition) The Daughters Of Ireland (US edition which is coming out in mid-August in the US). BOOK II
The Last Secret Of The Deverill (UK edition) The US edition hasn't come out yet but I'm sure you can find the novel anyways. BOOK III
I won't be explaining much about these books as I'm still in the process of buying them. I want the original version so it's taking a bit more time than expected. Each one of her books has been taking a part of me into another world, leaving the reality behind.
It is quite the original list of books but these ones are the ones I've been into this summer. They are worth the time and money, haven't been disappointed in any of choice yet, and hopefully, you will found my list as captivating as I was.
"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book." - J.K. Rowling
Best time to get a tan on, relax, and obviously read (if you are like me, you won't tan but read, yes you will)...
I don't tan, but I read, a whole lot, and buying books, well that's my thing! So I've gathered a list of books that I enjoyed reading or I'm in the process of reading or buying depending on the novel. Note that all the writers I will be mentioning are writers I either appreciate or adore.
I. Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella.
British writer whose writing is easy to read and get into. This novel is about a young teenager who suffers from a certain type of anxiety which keeps her from doing what other kids her age do.
If you have anxiety and want to read something easy and different, go for it! I encourage you to read it. Now, this writer would be more for teenagers, but I believe that books, stories, any of them are meant for everyone including adults. Somehow this book changed my view on social anxiety, made me understand how people suffer around you can suffer from your disorder. It's quite frankly an inspiring book.
II. The Bookshop On The Corner by Jenny Colgan.
Scottish writer who's passion shine through each book, story. It's about a young woman who loses her job and travels to Scotland expecting something and instead a whole new life awaits her.
One novel I'll read again as it is quite inspiring for young writers as well as readers. Her style of reading is very British, very pleasant to read, and easy enough to jump into the story, become the character itself.
III. Meet Me At The Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan.
Yes, another novel from her... This story is about a young woman who's talent are put to the test...
I think what captivated me is how Jenny shows that life isn't always what we expect even if we are "good" at what we do. But there is a bright side to every downfall. Now, I'm still in the process of reading it and it seems like I cannot put the book down, not one bit.
The last one is actually three books as it is a trilogy. I will put the British edition as well as the US edition. I always get the British one but oh well... The author being Santa Montefiore and one of my favourite author! She always managed to capture the right feeling, the right word to make you feel all types of emotions.
IV. Song Of Love And War (UK edition) The Irish Girl (US edition) if you cannot find this one another title came for the US edition, The Girl In The Castle. BOOK I
Daughters Of The Castle Deverill ( UK edition) The Daughters Of Ireland (US edition which is coming out in mid-August in the US). BOOK II
The Last Secret Of The Deverill (UK edition) The US edition hasn't come out yet but I'm sure you can find the novel anyways. BOOK III
I won't be explaining much about these books as I'm still in the process of buying them. I want the original version so it's taking a bit more time than expected. Each one of her books has been taking a part of me into another world, leaving the reality behind.
It is quite the original list of books but these ones are the ones I've been into this summer. They are worth the time and money, haven't been disappointed in any of choice yet, and hopefully, you will found my list as captivating as I was.
"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book." - J.K. Rowling
Thursday, 3 August 2017
Drinking path or just a celebration...
We can talk about the danger of drinking too much on the effects which somehow gets in the way the next morning, welcome back hangovers... But I don't feel like explaining the negative side of it, too common for my taste! Plus if you look a whole different way, drinking isn't all that bad, especially if you drink responsibly. Don't get too excited about it!
Alcohol, the substance that many of us overdose on without realizing it is also a substance that may have a positive effect, once again, responsible drinking does.
Have you ever heard of B is for beer and vitamin B? It's true! Some studies found out that beer is richer in thiamin and riboflavin (vitamin B) than wines and ciders. What about vodka being a germ-killing mouthwash substitute? Obviously, the smell isn't ideal, but the good news is there are some ingredients you may want to add to the vodka such as mint, cinnamon, or even cloves.
This is more my thing... Fernet-Branca aids digestion. Why do I say it's my thing? It's because I enjoy drinking this bitter Italian liqueur. It's an old family recipe which many swear by the potable's medicinal magic.
Lack of iron? Red wine to the rescue. On average, a glass of red wine has more iron, magnesium, and potassium, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that may reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Not only red wine does an amazing job being "perfect" for our health making us forget that white wine has some benefits such as weight loss.
A sore throat? Don't panic whiskey is here for you. Mix it with some warm water and honey, it will temporary relief you.
Alcohol can improve your libido. new research has found that moderate drinking might actually protect against erectile dysfunction. It's up to you if you want to believe it or not, but I certainly would love to believe in it.
In my case, this will be true... If you want to finish a novel, album, painting with a creative last thought, alcohol normally helps us be more creative. In different studies, people who drank and ate during a problem-solving test performed better than their sober counterparts. Obviously, the alcohol was limited, but a little inebriation could get the juices flowing. Do not chug an entire handle of vodka in hopes of painting the next Mona Lisa. It will not happen!
Another good way I saw alcohol making it easier for me was that they fought us stomach butterflies. Alcohol is, in fact, great lubricating social interactions and making awkward situations a little less anxiety-inducing. Drinking has a funny way to make us feel like we fit in at parties and temporarily boost confidence. Sadly, drinking too much as a social crutch can lead to long-term physical and mental health concerns.
Now as wonderful as it may seem, you are not supposed to drink alcohol like you would drink water, soda, or other soft drinks. A high amount may put you in danger. Alcohol may help with your health but on a low dosage, you make the mistake of drinking too much and your death-bed will be close to you.
As fun as drinking is, as much as it could offer you, do not forget how much alcohol can also be dangerous.
Be careful, don't overdose on it, and remember that you have your entire rest of your life to drink.
"Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. "- George Bernard Shaw
Have you ever heard of B is for beer and vitamin B? It's true! Some studies found out that beer is richer in thiamin and riboflavin (vitamin B) than wines and ciders. What about vodka being a germ-killing mouthwash substitute? Obviously, the smell isn't ideal, but the good news is there are some ingredients you may want to add to the vodka such as mint, cinnamon, or even cloves.
This is more my thing... Fernet-Branca aids digestion. Why do I say it's my thing? It's because I enjoy drinking this bitter Italian liqueur. It's an old family recipe which many swear by the potable's medicinal magic.
Lack of iron? Red wine to the rescue. On average, a glass of red wine has more iron, magnesium, and potassium, as well as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that may reduce the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.
Not only red wine does an amazing job being "perfect" for our health making us forget that white wine has some benefits such as weight loss.
A sore throat? Don't panic whiskey is here for you. Mix it with some warm water and honey, it will temporary relief you.
Alcohol can improve your libido. new research has found that moderate drinking might actually protect against erectile dysfunction. It's up to you if you want to believe it or not, but I certainly would love to believe in it.
In my case, this will be true... If you want to finish a novel, album, painting with a creative last thought, alcohol normally helps us be more creative. In different studies, people who drank and ate during a problem-solving test performed better than their sober counterparts. Obviously, the alcohol was limited, but a little inebriation could get the juices flowing. Do not chug an entire handle of vodka in hopes of painting the next Mona Lisa. It will not happen!
Another good way I saw alcohol making it easier for me was that they fought us stomach butterflies. Alcohol is, in fact, great lubricating social interactions and making awkward situations a little less anxiety-inducing. Drinking has a funny way to make us feel like we fit in at parties and temporarily boost confidence. Sadly, drinking too much as a social crutch can lead to long-term physical and mental health concerns.
Now as wonderful as it may seem, you are not supposed to drink alcohol like you would drink water, soda, or other soft drinks. A high amount may put you in danger. Alcohol may help with your health but on a low dosage, you make the mistake of drinking too much and your death-bed will be close to you.
As fun as drinking is, as much as it could offer you, do not forget how much alcohol can also be dangerous.
Be careful, don't overdose on it, and remember that you have your entire rest of your life to drink.
"Alcohol is the anesthesia by which we endure the operation of life. "- George Bernard Shaw
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
Learning by observing others...Psych 101...
Albert Bandura was born on December 4th, 1925, in the small town of Mundare, Canada. Bandura's father laid tracks for the trans-Canada railroad, and his mother worked at a general store in the town.
Bandura attended the only school in his town- it employed just two teachers- and as a result, Bandura had to take his own initiative when it came to education. Following high school, Bandura attended the University of British Columbia. While originally majoring in biological sciences, Bandura stumbled upon the subject of psychology through happenstance. Because he arrived at the university much earlier than his classes began, he decided to take "filler classes" to pass the time. After thumbing through a course catalogue one day, he ended up choosing a psychology course.
In 1949, Bandura graduated from the University of British Columbia in just three years, majoring in psychology, and went on to attend graduate school at the University of Iowa, where he would also get his Ph.D. After he earned his Ph.D. in 1952, Bandura was offered a position at Stanford University, where he continues to teach today.
Bandura is most known for his social learning theory, which showed that not all behavior was lead by rewards or reinforcements, as behaviorism claimed to be the case. Instead, he offered an alternative and somewhat more nuanced view of the social pressures that contribute to learned behaviors- a more modern approach which is still valued.
1. A person can learn behavior through observation: This can be from a live model (an actual person performing the behavior), a verbal model that provides instructions (an explanation or description of a particular behavior), or a symbolic model (behaviors portrayed in books, television, and film).
2. The mental state is an important aspect of learning: While environmental reinforcement is one aspect of learning a behavior, it is not the only one. Satisfaction, pride, and feelings of accomplishment are examples of what Bandura called intrinsic or internal reinforcement. In other words, internal thoughts can play an important role in learning a behavior.
3. Learning does not mean that a behavior will necessarily change: Behaviorists believed that learning a behavior led to a permanent change in the individual's behavior, but Bandura shows that with observational learning, a person can learn the new information without having to demonstrate this behavior. Conversely, just because a behavior is observed does not mean it will be learned. For social learning to be a success, there are certain requirements:
Bandura attended the only school in his town- it employed just two teachers- and as a result, Bandura had to take his own initiative when it came to education. Following high school, Bandura attended the University of British Columbia. While originally majoring in biological sciences, Bandura stumbled upon the subject of psychology through happenstance. Because he arrived at the university much earlier than his classes began, he decided to take "filler classes" to pass the time. After thumbing through a course catalogue one day, he ended up choosing a psychology course.
In 1949, Bandura graduated from the University of British Columbia in just three years, majoring in psychology, and went on to attend graduate school at the University of Iowa, where he would also get his Ph.D. After he earned his Ph.D. in 1952, Bandura was offered a position at Stanford University, where he continues to teach today.
Bandura is most known for his social learning theory, which showed that not all behavior was lead by rewards or reinforcements, as behaviorism claimed to be the case. Instead, he offered an alternative and somewhat more nuanced view of the social pressures that contribute to learned behaviors- a more modern approach which is still valued.
1. A person can learn behavior through observation: This can be from a live model (an actual person performing the behavior), a verbal model that provides instructions (an explanation or description of a particular behavior), or a symbolic model (behaviors portrayed in books, television, and film).
2. The mental state is an important aspect of learning: While environmental reinforcement is one aspect of learning a behavior, it is not the only one. Satisfaction, pride, and feelings of accomplishment are examples of what Bandura called intrinsic or internal reinforcement. In other words, internal thoughts can play an important role in learning a behavior.
3. Learning does not mean that a behavior will necessarily change: Behaviorists believed that learning a behavior led to a permanent change in the individual's behavior, but Bandura shows that with observational learning, a person can learn the new information without having to demonstrate this behavior. Conversely, just because a behavior is observed does not mean it will be learned. For social learning to be a success, there are certain requirements:
- Attention: To learn, one must pay attention, and anything that diminishes attention will negatively affect observational learning.
- Retention: One must be able to store the information, and the at a later time be able to pull it back up and use it.
- Reproduction: After paying attention and retaining information, the observed behavior has to be performed. Practice can lead to improvement of the behavior.
- Motivation: The last part of successfully learning observed behavior is that a person must be motivated to imitate the behavior. It is here where reinforcement and punishment come into play. If an observed behavior is reinforced, one might wish to duplicate that response; while if an observed behavior is punished, one might be motivated to not do such an action.
To show that children observe and imitate behaviors around them, Bandura created the famous Bobo doll experiment.
In conducting his experiment, Bandura found that children who watched the aggressive models generally imitated a good deal more of the responses towards the Bobo doll than the children in the control or the children in the group who watched the nonaggressive models.
He also found that girls who watched the aggressive model expressed more verbally aggressive responses when the model was the woman, and more physically aggressive responses when the model was the man.The boys imitated physically aggressive acts more than the girls did, and they imitated the same-sex model more often than the girls did.
Through the Bobo doll experiment, Bandura was able to successfully show that the children learned a social behavior, in this case, aggression, by watching the behavior of someone else. With the Bobo doll experiment, Bandura was able to disprove a key notion of behaviorism that stated that all behavior is the result of rewards and reinforcement.
"Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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