Before we acknowledge the fact that being real with ourselves can be difficult, there's something else that keeps us from being proud of what we have achieved. Staying humble.
Why do we have to be humble? Why does society teach us to stay in the shadows, quiet, vulnerable enough to be afraid of others views. To be open to the next adventure but not to talk about any success. It teaches us to be a beginner, an observer. Story short, society wants us to stay strong enough to take on criticism. How are we suppose to be strong and vulnerable at the same time? How are suppose to survive?
I blame social media for a lot of things, but let's be honest, we are the cause of such disaster. And sadly, we are the only one who can do something about it all. Repairing what's been done to our generation. But how are we suppose to come back to morals, values when all you can see is fake everything? How do we come back to the time when being humble also meant being able to recognize who we are and what we deserve?
So being humble is to see what we can do without putting someone else down. To show a little too much and make the others feel terrible. Easy to say, hard to do for certain people who would highly prefer to show off a little too much and make some people uncomfortable.
For instance, many have said that I come off as humble because I don't really talk about any accomplishments, show off what I'm capable of doing. Despite the fact that I did have some accomplishments, that I learned a lot more than others my age, I know deep down that someone else has had a harder life, more accomplishments, bigger things. So why trying to show off my things when they aren't important, big enough. At the end of the day, it's more low self-esteem than being humble. But I'll take the compliment because it's given to me for free.
Experiences have been shaping us since the start, shaping us into individuals, good or bad, these experiences are parts of us. And you should give yourself some credit for surviving each day cause this world isn't the best place. Every time you enter a situation, remind yourself that no matter what you should value it. Even though I'm a poor example, I apologize in advance.
We are far more interesting, better than we acknowledge. Valuing our experiences isn't "Tell the whole world about them!" It's about being the best version of yourself, using your experiences to create something beautiful. Valuing each situation in order to make you proud of what you have accomplished.
Now that I think and write about it all, I've had tiny yet important experiences that helped me grow into he person I am today. I never cared about them until now... It shows that I'm as good as anyone else.
It also proves me how blind we are to walk pass by experiences, deaf enough to not hear our own voice. That we care a little too much about other's approval when you are supposed to listen to yourself. Because at the end of the day, you are the only one who has to deal with your unpleasant thoughts, cause, after all, people can be jealous and that leads to disrespectful, horrific comments. Humans have the tendency to judge others, I know I do even if I try my best not to do so.
As one writer said, " Lint is picking, is focusing on the small imperfection rather than seeing the greater glory of the whole." This writer made me think about what people have been saying, what I've been saying to myself and it is far from pretty. We believe, most of us at least, we deserve nothing, that we haven't being doing much to deserve something. On the contrary, we deserve a whole lot more than what we see. I'm not saying everyone does, there are some insane people whose humanity have left them with a cold heart.
Remember that not everyone can quit smoking or drinking alcohol. Not everyone can public speak in front of millions of people. Not everyone is capable of cooking dinner every night after work. Not everyone is capable of moving to another city because they don't know anyone there.
As small as it may get, remember that it helped you grow into the person that you are today. Look at me...
I've moved from one continent to another, moved into a country with a different language. Despite the fact that I did learn it at school for a few years, I couldn't speak it enough or understood enough to make friends.
I've been supporting my family in tough times, even became sick because of it.
I've written a novel, finished writing the first draft.
I've been keeping a blog for over a year now and still going.
Managed to get two jobs and still find the time to write, hang out with people I appreciate and love.
They might seem boring, idiotic, uninteresting experiences to lots of you, but they have made me who I am today. They are still accomplishments to me and I wouldn't be the person that I am without them.
Do I keep a lot to myself? Yes, it won't change anytime soon! Do I finally value my experiences? Yes, but I still stay quiet about it.
Now if you don't believe in yourself, I would suggest you write down a list of things you have done, it will help you recognize how much of a person you are. But keep in mind that being able to see what we truly are means keep being yourself, many of us don't like cocky people.
"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. "
~ Bella