Friday, 28 July 2017

Top News! Big News!

Big news!

Let's start with the fact that I've got another job which adds to me having two separate jobs.  No, I don't count my writing as a job as I do not receive any financial advance on this, but it is a job as I do spend time on every article and my novel.
As normal as it sounds, I'm not used to having two separate jobs and I'm surely not used to the fact that I have to work long, long hours, non-stop.  Many of us have to get two jobs to survive in this city, and I needed to bow down to the expectation. One step at a time...

As it does take a lot more of my time, I don't have the same amount of time to write unless I write at night time, taking away my TV show or reading time. I can't just give up on these little "me" moments even though I write constantly, multitasking half the time.
I've decided to change my schedule around, post only twice a week starting in August. It will throw off my schedule around for sure, but I will make each post better, improve the contains.

This idea has been hanging on me for quite sometimes now but I wanted to begin next year, 2018. Sadly, I can't keep up with every post, and being overwhelmed by this new change had made me want to have some time off for my novel as well.

Big news on my part as I'm finally getting my life slightly together. Slightly! Not fully, but partially.
Don't think I've got everything figured out because I'm far from it. I have a roof over my head, food in order to survive, clothes for every day, my little evenings at the bar, and some "me" moments, but I still don't have a love life, financially...Let's not even begin, I'll have to stop spending money on books so much. And as my friends at the bar, I'm a 40 years of age woman in a body of 21 years old young lass. Seems like I don't have anything figured out except for my drinking... I'm laughing as I'm writing this because I'm supposed to be pouring down drinks and instead I'm drinking responsibly. I shouldn't be complaining as it is something I'm secretly proud of. 

Anyways, twice a week will be the limit, every Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Hopefully, each of my posts will keep you interested. 

"Bad news travels fast. Good news takes the scenic route." - Doug Larson


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