Children do it all the time, unconsciously, but so are adults! We may not be conscious of it, but temptations are rather funny little sneaky obstacles of life!
The act of tempting or the state of being tempted especially to evil is quite common, always have been!
For instance, let's come back to our teenage years!
Back in school, your friends were are getting into the gym to play basketball, when one of them decides to sneak into the other girls' restrooms. They push you towards the restroom, convincing you that the girls were changing into their P.E. clothes. The temptation of going in there to see girls changing was indeed, tempting, so you go in and give in the temptation.
Another example...
Let's bring it back to even earlier years!
You are at home with your cousins who are about the same age as you. The three of you are about six years old, sneaky and all of you love candies. You are in your house, and you know where your mother hides the jar full of candies. You tell your cousins about it, and you all plan a sneak attack on the jar. You convinced your cousins to get the candies as well! The temptation is real when it comes to sweets! Evil enough you all three did not ask to get some, you just went and take yourselves.
The last scenario happens much later on in life...
You are a political person running for senator, and your people are going into amazing length to get some voters on your side. It wasn't your idea to go run for senator but your close family members. Dinner time, gathered around a wonderful meal, your family talks about your political views and the power you would be getting if you became a senator... You thought of it all night long in your bed, and you came to the conclusion of having some power and more money is rather tempting, so you start running a campaign. The temptation was clear and you became a senator, more power, more money...
These examples are extreme, childish and common...
Children are tempted by sweets as common sayings, "Don't talk to strangers" and " Don't trust a stranger even if he gives you candies". Easy to give in the temptations when you don't fully understand the consequences of giving into temptations.
Teenagers are an easier catch! Drugs and alcohol are now commonly used in their worlds! One kid offering, other give in temptations of feeling high or drunk... And when they are underage, the danger of getting caught is just pure adrenaline.
Adults comprehend the danger of giving in temptations, yet, they still give in like children give into temptations! As we grow up, we are interested in different things, more dangerous!
Temptations aren't simple, aren't healthy or safe! You could be tempted when it comes to food, but your health is beyond horrific so your doctor advised you to have a diet, strict diet.... But the smell of fast food come from your office when you work every day. The smell makes you want to eat, but you can't, yet, it's too much, too difficult to hold back so you go and buy some food. Next thing you know, you collapse, then wake up at the hospital! The temptation caused you to collapse on the floor of your office, and you almost died from a very bad health!
I could go on like this, giving examples, showing you how dangerous temptations can be, but it would take hours, months, years, many, many, many books!
Why do we give in? Because we are humans, and somehow temptations are obstacles, clever ones which are able to look amazing and yet dangerous! You never know what the consequence may be. Hospital bed, sick stomach, or even a coffin! Giving in temptations may lead to your death, then again, who knows...
Be careful with temptations, you never know what may come!
"Temptations are as thick as the leaves of the forest, and no one can be out of the reach of temptation unless he is dead." - Robert G. Ingersoll
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