Food that provides consolation or a feeling of well-being, typically any with a high sugar or other carbohydrate content and associated with childhood or home cooking.
My definition: Typically unhealthy food that becomes healthy because it makes you happy!
Comfort food is usually something that brings back memories or some type of sentimental value to someone. It could be specific to one person or to a culture itself!
My comfort food has to be multiple different things and no it isn't just one but a few...
*Tiramisu being the first top choice if I can get it, I'll get it! It may be my favourite desert and the most Italian one you could get, but eating one brings me back home. Not physically home, but it's a homey feeling that I don't want to ever lose.
*Boxty which is an Irish dish happens to be one of the most perfect comfort food there is, for me obviously. It's a potato dish that looks like pancakes, so Irish Potato Pancakes)... If you aren't like me and loving potatoes, then sorry, this isn't for you!
* Runny boiled eggs and toast soldiers. It brings back your childhood. I know Europeans are good friends with this sort of dish or whatever you want to call it, but Americans, I've never really met anyone that does it, so if you do, I'm proud. :)
*Crepes, alright, mum's crepes. She always made them for us when we were kids and still today. It's from Brittany and you can't just despise the dish, I mean you could make salty ones as well as sweet ones. You can add Nutella as well. Can't go wrong with that, but be careful, don't eat five in just fifteen minutes like me, take your time cause you'll be sure that you'll gain a pound in a day or two.
*Fish and chips! I know very British, but I love it! I've always lived by the sea, always had some type of preference on how you call "fries", I prefer chips! Plus, I can actually finish the entire dish in one course, so whatever type of comments you going to say, I don't care, to me fish and chip are comfort food.
*Vanilla gelato with a side of a chocolate cake. Don't judge just appreciate the fact that I may have a sweet tooth as well!
I'll stop with my comfort food as I do have two or three more, but I specifically wrote down the ones that bring me "home" in a way. Everyone has their own comfort food, the ones they instantly go to when they aren't feeling well. I've known many people that go and get bags of snacks, but the unhealthy kind that now that I've written down what I go to, it's more like home cook meals, parts of it.
Comfort food is there whenever you are feeling nostalgic or lonely, but does it change your mood? No! It makes you feel better, yes, since you are eating something you highly enjoy, your mind is preoccupied to think. When the dish or snack is over, you've eaten it all, your mind goes back to whatever stressed you out in the first place. Typically, as my definition went to, it's unhealthy food that we choose to eat because we made the unconscious thought that chocolate was to be in our life when a breakup occurs. Let me laugh, your body isn't going to be great at the end of the day. When we feel sad, we eat (some do), and not just small portions, a lot, meaning there's danger ahead. Gaining weight, gaining health issues and so on. But comfort food is comfort food and we cannot let go. It's our best friend!
Many experiments happened, each result were similar which means that food or no food, each person can get better. Food, comfort food, does not affect our moods, but we like to think so. I like the idea that after eating what I enjoy, my comfort food, I feel better, so let's not kill the dream, et's continue to eat whatever makes believe we are better!
"Food, like a loving touch or a glimpse of divine power, has that ability to comfort." - Norman Kolpas
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