Monday, 10 October 2016

Is that body art?

When someone refers a tattoo by a body art, I know that they somewhat either have some themselves or love them! When you mention body art to someone they look at you like you are an alien or they just ignore the fact of your mentioning tattoos. These situations are rather common from what I can see. 
Two men were talking behind where I was sitting, taking notes, minding my own business. I happen to have ears that love to be curious so I didn't control what I heard and what I didn't. The conversation was around two adults about one of their teenagers, don't ask me if it was a teenage boy or girl, I have no clue! One the man was very frustrated almost looked worried while the other was confident, seemed more relaxed than the other! The calm guy mentioned "body arts" while the other was staring at him in an odd way. I looked at them both wondering who had tattoos and who didn't... Surprise, surprise, the one that said "body arts" had two sleeves while the other didn't have any visible ones. 

Before I had tattoos myself, I didn't pay attention to people that had them or didn't even bothered listening to how people view them. I always liked tattoos, always thought it was some type of art, but it wasn't such a big deal at the time. Now, I have three, planning more and I cannot stop looking at everyone's tattoos! It's becoming an addiction that grows stronger each time. I've gotten ADDICTED! When people say the pain that tattoos cause is addicting, you better believe them! You will never see a person with just one tattoo, it's either two or more!

My first one is on my wrist, two zodiac signs, love them to bits, have to get them touch up, eventually, but.... Not right now! I was a real disaster when I got it, the pain wasn't as bad as everyone would say, but the noise made me jumpy, almost screamed "bloody murder", poor tattoo artist!
The second one is a bit more special... It's a quote, one I wrote myself, translated by my really amazing Italian friend in Italian (so if there is a mistake it's his fault ha-ha), with a feather pen at the end! I'm a writer, I love Italian, so I just had to, it's me. Want to know the quote on the back of my right shoulder... Ask me.
My third one isn't entirely a mistake, at the time it meant a lot! Still, means a lot , it proved me how much and how far I can go with someone I love. It's a name, and I am indeed thinking of covering it up because it is painful to live with it especially if you want to move on. Lucky me, I love the name, I can deal with the fact that is it on my chest. 

So to get this chest tattoo covered up I was thinking about symbols from where I'm from! Yes, I'm Celtic meaning I've got Irish blood in me for sure! Brittany is a region in France, but it is the little Ireland of France, more Celtic than anything else. I highly prefer saying I'm Bretonne (people from Brittany) than French. A shamrock (the Irish symbol) and have another symbol to represent Brittany a little more to end with an Irish Gaelic word. I'm still looking for the right word to put on my chest as it is indeed a part of my body that gets to be seen more as I do wear tank tops. It's difficult to find the correct tattoo as it is permanent. One mistake is enough! 
I thought about removing it, but it will cost a lot, it will hurt more, and I want that name to be a reminder of certain things like don't make the same "mistake". Once is enough! Next time I put names on my body, it will be my kids' names as a bracelet.

Tattoos are a way to express our feelings, where we are from, what we did. It tells a story, at least my tattoos do. Many of us decide to get them as a reminder of a special event or a family culture... I actually have my friend's roommate who have his country tattooed on his back shoulder, Hawaii. An Island yes, but it is a country and he has it on him. I personally love it! People who have meaningful tattoos have amazing stories behind them as short as the story may be, they are still amazing to me! 

Obviously, they are people that have tattoos just for the fun of it. I was talking to someone over the phone last time and the guy told me he saw two girls have Pokemon on their body. Now, PokemonGo has been the addiction that everyone gets addicted to, but to tattoo your body with that... What are you going to tell your future kids? The funny thing was that apparently, they didn't even know how the Pokemon evolved or anything about it for that matter. You could at least know the name of your Pokemon tattoo. Idiotic, but can't judge, I've got an idiot side as well. I just wouldn't want to have a Charmander on my ankle!
Be careful on what you choose, don't regret anything, if you make a "mistake" just learn from it, tell it to people from experience and be sure you get what you think will last forever or else you are stuck with it, have to cover it up or erase them with the laser. 

For my part, I want that cover up tattoo, then an anchor with the letter "S" and "E" incorporated inside for my mum, Sonia and both of my brothers, Emilian and Enzo! The anchor is from Brittany as it is close to the sea, so it will remind me of how scared I am of water and how much I get seasick in boats. I actually just realize that when I'm typing this post. Smart me... 
Then I'm thinking about getting a simple plane on my left forearm as I do love to travel to places I love, and because planes have been impacting my life in many different ways. I want a souvenir of how much the experiences affected my personality, made me stronger as a person even if it's just a plane to people to me it has meanings. Finally, I would love to get a yin yang on my ankle. I've always been fascinated by it, the good and the evil, the light and the dark, the feminine and the masculine... It's also a reminder of how life and people are. My father isn't a good person whatsoever, but when I look at a yin yang, the dark side also has a bit of light, so if my father is awfully terrible, I know he has some good in him, hiding away, hopefully. Never give up on hope!

If you have ideas on what that Irish word should be, please tell me, I'm interested! I may have really amazing ideas, but we can't have enough of them!

"Tattoos have meanings even the ones you just find pretty! They are on your body for a reason. Art has stories so does tattoos!" 


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