I'm what you call "FUN SIZE"!
Yes, I'm rather short, 5 feet 2 inches... Indeed tiny!
I've heard it all before from "How's the weather down there?" to "Oh, you're here? I didn't see you down there."
Just know that those ridiculous jokes aren't funny, well at least I don't laugh! It's not nice and we are tired of hearing it all... Don't think you are the only one out there that say those things. I think every short person can relate!
Yesterday morning, while watching the second half of my soccer game, Northern Ireland vs. Germany, I decided to make myself some hot tea. Simple, you may think, but wrong! It was one hardest task! I couldn't reach the tea bag which was on the highest shelf of the kitchen. Yes, I put it there for other to not touch my Irish Breakfast Tea, but now I have to deal with climbing around to get it... I almost fell too, I blame the soccer game on my laptop, I heard the Irish going really loud all the sudden so I had to look and instead of being careful, I almost fell. I caught myself right on time!
Here's some struggle short people have to deal once in their lives! At least I know I've experienced them all, multiple times!
- When you hug a girl, you are at the same level of her breast, and that's NOT fine! I'm not a guy so I can't enjoy my face being in between someone's boobs. I'm sorry, it's a struggle!
- Climbing everywhere... Even in grocery stores to get the Nutella from the shelf. Thanks for putting it so high up. I appreciate it!
- When you take photos with friends, there's always someone way taller so you have to be on your tiptoes, trying to get some high ground, and failing at it big time. It usually ends up being the tallest who come to our height. Thanks :)
- Opening windows, the high ones! I gave up on it, I ain't going to buy a ladder just for it!
- Your jeans are always too long. I personally fold all of my jeans without exception!
- The "You're so cute, let me protect you." Do I really look like I need your bloody protection?
- You have neck pain from always looking up. I love tall people, but when they are sitting down... It's amazing!
- You can say goodbye to "Sexy", "hot", accept the fact that you are just "cute", "adorable" or "tiny".
- CARRY YOUR ID EVERYWHERE! I mean it, you are the size of a child, give up on looking much older.
- Everyone assumes you can't walk or run fast enough. Like really? What a great way to be judgmental!
- You can already prepare yourself for the apology you will have to give your kids... I know I already have made a whole speech about it for my future kids if I ever get any.
- When you are at a party, you can totally hide in the shadows, no one will see you! Wel HELLO people but short people can also be noticed, and bumping into us and pretend you didn't see us is just another way to be rude. B**** I was there and you know it!
I love the fact that I'm short, it has its perks, but when I have to deal with these issues, nonstop, I hate myself for being so short! People don't make it better either by joking around and teasing us without realizing how annoying and hurtful their comments may be. If I were you, I would just keep my mouth shut at times because it's not our fault if we are tiny. And don't think we can't beat your a** either. Don't pick on smaller than you! You might have heard it at school, didn't you?
"A person's a person, no matter how small." - Dr. Seuss
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