Many of us still believe in certain myths, some of them are completely made up by parents trying to get their children to eat their vegetables.
" Drink your soup if you want to grow up!"
" Eat your carrots, you will be more polite." (This one is common in France)
" You remember Popeye? He ate his spinach, maybe you should do the same!"
The least of common ones can go on forever, and I heard many of them from my dear mother who would try everything to make us do or eat something we didn't want to.
Here are a few myths we hear but aren't true...
#1. Chocolate gives you acne!
Sounds about right, and yet it is far from it. Chocolate itself doesn't give you acne or else I would be covered with it! And no it's not the sugar either! It's actually the dairy in it that may affect your skin especially if you have sensitive skin, skin that reacts fast.
#2. Watching TV will ruin your eyesight.
Said like this, it may sound like an advice, something you should take seriously and yet... Don't be surprised to know it's not going to ruin it. We all hear our parents tell us not to be sitting right in front of the television so you wouldn't ruin your eyesight. It can lead to eyestrain if you exceed some type of monitor watching, but it won't kill your eyesight! It may cause some headaches, slight migraines, or fatigue, that's why it's encouraged to take a few breaks. But no need to exaggerate!
#3. Don't wake up a sleepwalker
Not sure why we started believing it in the first place, but they are at high risk of hurting themselves than by being awoken by someone else. Next time you encounter a sleepwalker, wake him up slowly, calmly, don't go brutal either but make sure they are sitting down on a chair and be sure to know you know what you are getting into because some explanations will be needed. Poor them, they have no idea if it happens or not!
#4. Pyramids were built by slaves
Despite what we read in our history books, this is just another myth! Sad to know we have been lied to ... They were built by free employees or people who already worked in constructions. If you go deeper into the whole history of it all, you will understand the process behind certain traditions, and certain ways of working.
#5. The Loch Ness Monter? Yeah, we saw it!
Some still, to this day, believe it does exist... I mean Scotland is quite known for that, and it may give a little mystery to the place, but let's be real here, did we actually have enough evidence to prove it does exist? Have we got physical evidence? Photos do not count, and toys aren't real.
#6. Sober you will be after coffee
Not sure why you would think it would be true, the only thing it will get you is more hyper, more awake. You will feel more alert after a cup of coffee but don't be fool by the amount of alcohol you drank. Time, on the other hand, will help! Time and time only!
#7. Bulls are active when they see red
Right, sure why not... RED? Just the colour red? You say... Sorry to break the news to you but it's just the fact that you are moving the piece of cloth. They will want to attack just because of the movement in front of them!
#8. Lightning never strikes twice in the same spot
It seems more like lightning will take the shortest route to the ground, no matter if it already landed on that passage once before. So don't believe everything you hear, it says lightning strikes the Empire State Building over a hundred times per year.
Myths, legends, folk stories.... We all know them, some are more common, and others are used as white lies to help parents control their children. Sadly, half of the myths we know aren't always true. Make sure you fully understand and dig into some research if you want to use it to prove a point. No one likes false information!
"Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths." - Joseph Campbell
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